I hate them and misplaced mine for the Vulcan 3 so I machined a new one from 303 stainless that can be left in the gun. I much prefer a foster fitting which should be cheaper for the manufacturer and less machine steps so I don't know why fill probes exist.
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I bet it doesn't cost any more to manufacture. There are no more machining steps for them. Maybe for the Chinese company that supplies the probe or Foster fitting, but I bet the price difference is fractions of a penny.

That said, I do prefer the fixed Foster fitting too, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the one gun I have that has a probe.
One hand operation, Fosters need two hands to get them on and more so off, probes just slip in and out one handed.

probe once is pushed in is super secure and an easy thing to do and monitor, fosters sometimes you thing they are in but miss the click and that is a problem.

so yes definitely more secure and easier to operate.
As I recall, you pretty much only have one brand of airgun at a time, and generally that means one probe should work for all for them - smart!

It's when you have multiple brands of guns that use probes that look the same at a glance, but are not interchangeable - then we are swapping probes to fill guns, and that is not as painless . . .
i have recently ordered a AEA probe, Notos, & will soon be ordering a edgun L2 probe, during construction season i work 2 jobs, =17 /18 hrs day, barely have time to shoot, & being increasingly feeble minded i set things down & forget where,i left them. i hate looking for things & end up ordering replacements, anyway i Hate Probes, prefer F/F, i have never worried with the P rods & F F..
i work 2 jobs
Been there though not really something you have to do in Denmark, but as i am a nice guy and my old job i just left called having problems with the 3 guys that replaced me keeping up, well i filled in for a few months after i was done with my other job ( both jobs doing powder painting )

I am not doing that again, that was tough.

I hear some Americans working 2 jobs, and still can not afford a apartment,,,,,, that's worrying to me, and one of many things i would have to discuss with any American internet friend on the porch, CUZ i have questions,,,, many questions about the same but also very different USA

PS: I once had another job that was 16 hour work days, my best job ever, i wast here for 5 years until it closed, this time of the year i could sleep 6 hours on the job and get paid for that, in summer just 3 hours.
Only 11 - 12 work days a month, always at least 1 day between work days, and only work weekend every 3 weeks.
And i was paid to drive home, CUZ we got off at 4 in the morning but was paid until 5, and the 75 KM drive did not take me 1 hour to do, 110 km/h on the 80 km/h speed limit highway, then hitting motorway with 110 limit the little not so hot German hatchback was pedal to the metal.
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I bet it doesn't cost any more to manufacture. There are no more machining steps for them. Maybe for the Chinese company that supplies the probe or Foster fitting, but I bet the price difference is fractions of a penny.

That said, I do prefer the fixed Foster fitting too, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the one gun I have that has a probe.
There are many extra machine steps in the guns I've seen with a fill probe where a male foster is a cheap ready made part that contains a sintered filter, a check valve and only requires three machining steps from the same position to install.
I've never heard anyone complain about losing their foster fitting but lots of people lose their fill probe. We all have our opinions it's nothing to lose sleep over.
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As I recall, you pretty much only have one brand of airgun at a time, and generally that means one probe should work for all for them - smart!

It's when you have multiple brands of guns that use probes that look the same at a glance, but are not interchangeable - then we are swapping probes to fill guns, and that is not as painless . . .
Correct and I also for many years said I think manufacturers should get together and standarize the probe since it's a better system,

On a sidenote I also came across several Fosters that would not match and that is a true pain
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air compressors are hard on the foster quick couplings, but yet I use them on my compressor and bottle hoses.
all my guns are probe fill and I am quite satisfied with them.
I would prefer a standard probe for the industry, one probe firmly screwed onto the fill hose, but that would require cooperation among the leading mfrs

but, it is what it is, and I can live with it,,, no problem:cool:
I've got about six different sized and types of probes to deal with. It would definitely be my preference to have all air guns using male foster male fittings instead of probes. Once I mistakenly used a Weihrauch probe to fill my Taipan Mutant. Weihrauch uses a 1/2 mm smaller diameter probe than a Taipan. It built up pressure without leaking but after building pressure it whipped the probe out and smacked me hard on the side of my face. I was lucky it missed my eyes. Now I have each probe marked with a sharpie. My other pet peeve about probes is the ones that are threaded male BSP. Why can't they at least machine them with a male foster? A quick connect can be attached without having to buy an extra BSP to male foster adapter. At least supply one with the proble. It's as if they assume everyone buys only their brand rifle and connects their probe directly to a female BPP thread fill hose.
Been there though not really something you have to do in Denmark, but as i am a nice guy and my old job i just left called having problems with the 3 guys that replaced me keeping up, well i filled in for a few months after i was done with my other job ( both jobs doing powder painting )

I am not doing that again, that was tough.

I hear some Americans working 2 jobs, and still can not afford a apartment,,,,,, that's worrying to me, and one of many things i would have to discuss with any American internet friend on the porch, CUZ i have questions,,,, many questions about the same but also very different USA

PS: I once had another job that was 16 hour work days, my best job ever, i wast here for 5 years until it closed, this time of the year i could sleep 6 hours on the job and get paid for that, in summer just 3 hours.
Only 11 - 12 work days a month, always at least 1 day between work days, and only work weekend every 3 weeks.
And i was paid to drive home, CUZ we got off at 4 in the morning but was paid until 5, and the 75 KM drive did not take me 1 hour to do, 110 km/h on the 80 km/h speed limit highway, then hitting motorway with 110 limit the little not so hot German hatchback was pedal to the metal.
just turned 75 yrs old on december & i have been working 2 jobs for 38 yrs, & probably will keep doing so till i drop ..
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There appear to be some who passionately hate the fill probe. For me it really doesn't matter. Gun needs air - fill with whatever is available at the time. Both the foster qd and the fill probe use o-rings which go after a while.

Through no intentional choice it appears my current selection of airguns is mostly foster qd in the rifle format, but fill probe in the pistol format.
I maybe over thinking here. I recently bought a very small Christmas tree stand from Amazon. It has two metal rubber cupped feet that swing out to about a foot wide and the stand is 4 1/5 inches tall. The circumference of the mounting hole is 1 inch. It has 3 thumb set screws which should make it stable. I plan to mount a 2 ft piece of pcp pipe and strap on the whip hose using heavy velcro straps. I have a portable air compressor and only fill one gun. I hope it will be easier to use and safer.
There are many extra machine steps in the guns I've seen with a fill probe where a male foster is a cheap ready made part that contains a sintered filter, a check valve and only requires three machining steps from the same position to install.
I've never heard anyone complain about losing their foster fitting but lots of people lose their fill probe. We all have our opinions it's nothing to lose sleep over.
Yes, I know all that, I was only commenting on the cost of a probe itself as compared to a Foster fitting.

I also agree that on the gun itself, just threading a hole for a fitting to thread into has to be easier and cheaper than making provisions for a probe, but also wonder why so many budget priced guns don't go with the foster?

For myself, I am good with my one gun with a probe and the others with Foster fittings. Once I start squeezing the trigger, all other things become irrelevant.
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Strong feelings for probe or foster.

I have a variety of PCPs and a corresponding variety of fill probes as well. The one for the Air Arms S510 is probably the most expensive and weirdest I have.

Would be nice if the industry settled on a standard fitting, think the foster is slowly being adopted.

I've just added a foster adapter to all the proprietary probes so connecting is quick. True that it's another part to keep track of and maintain.

Not really problem.
