different kind of recoil , Apples and Oranges . no comparison.Having huted my entire life with a 30/06. 45-70, and 12 ga shotguns I always chuckle when recoil and air rifle are used in the same sentence.
I thought same thing...My .510 Texan with 650 grain spire point boat tails will scope any unsuspecting shooter. I don't let anyone inexperienced shoot anything over 460 grains. That is 1.5 once of lead....Power goes up...slug weight goes up...recoil goes.up...Having huted my entire life with a 30/06. 45-70, and 12 ga shotguns I always chuckle when recoil and air rifle are used in the same sentence.
That is the case the Ed ( Edgun ) has been making for a long time.I saw a discussion where someone said a longer barrel like from 500mm to 600mm or 700mm on a air rifle will have a negative influence on PCP precision / accuracy, mainly because of recoil, shooter movement and harmonics.
What is your experience with different barrel lengths?
I agree with what you're shooting. But that is such a tiny minority of what airgunners are shooting. I remember shooting my Marlin 45-70 at the range, sounds like a cannon. A buddy was near me and asked to shoot it. I put three rounds in the mag and handed it to him. He took one shot and handed it back. I told him there were two more rounds. His reply, "No thanks" LOLI thought same thing...My .510 Texan with 650 grain spire point boat tails will scope any unsuspecting shooter. I don't let anyone inexperienced shoot anything over 460 grains. That is 1.5 once of lead....Power goes up...slug weight goes up...recoil goes.up...
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Not necessarily. A longer barrel can also be used to achieve the same velocity more efficiently, which will result in less felt recoil due to the added weight and the slower acceleration of the projectile.Longer barrel gives more power and therefore more recoil.
I suspect there's more movement than you realize. I've shot some groups with my .30 Sidewinder in full auto and about the best I can manage are 2" 3 round bursts at 50 yards and that's with a tight hold on it. The recoil might seem trivial compared to that of a centerfire rifle, but it absolutely is enough to move your crosshairs off target.When I think of recoil effect I'm thinking anticipation of the shot and jerking the trigger or the rifle itself. I'm not thinking the actual recoil causing a loss in accuracy. Probably why I don't get the air rifle recoil discussion. Well, mainly for 25 cal and under. I just watched some of my video's shooting with a .25 cal at 980+ fps and there's minimal to no movement of the crosshairs, even in slow motion. That would not happen with a powder burner. Hence no shot anticipation messing up my shot.