Kalibrgun ?

Yes sir, I've got one.
I did some "fixing" to the grip to better fit my hand, then covered it in automotive "trunk" paint. I've had no problems in the two plus years that I've owned it. I bought it used. It is a little loud, wish I had a suppressor adapter, that's one reason I don't shoot it a lot I guess.
It's had a couple of different sights on it. It seems to be able to hold air for ever. I haven't shot it in a while though.

And no...mine is a pistol, pistols don't have stocks !


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I owned and tested an Ocelot for a while; purchased used. Since you've seen comparisons of it to the PP700 I was hesitant to offer another. However, considering the amount of testing I did with both was interesting enough for a whole chapter in my Awesome Air Pistols! book, thought I'd go ahead and attach that chapter.

BTW, MRodAir was the original American importer of the PP700, and AirMax Precision was their model name for it.

View attachment Czechmate pdf.pdf
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Any owners of the Ocelot on here? Working a trade with a buddy, a leaking Austrian for a leaking Czech.😂

Looking on YouTube there are maybe three vids all in Russian. The web has posts but most are comparing it to the pp700 and price.

So, if you have one how do you like it? Any issues or tips. I was thinking of adding a stock like the Rink I have on a Styer but I don’t think it was popular enough that they ever patterned it.

View attachment 450554

The custom AZ styer.
View attachment 450556
I have one but very rarely use it due to being too loud for my backyard - I pick up my silenced FX Ranchero 9 times out of ten because the Ocelot is so loud, I bought my Ocelot on release around 2015 I have only seen two other Ocelots in the UK, there is very little info available, I did find a czech airgun site with four or five articles,

I see you have a silencer on yours what adapter do you have?
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Update after having it for seven months. Still really enjoying this pistol. Just took it out after a month or so in the safe and it is still bang on 10.5ftlbs. I still need to look into having a bipod clamp made for the tube. It works just fine off a bag but sure would look cool with a bipod.

MikeVV did you ever get the factory adapter ordered for yours.
Yes sir. The guys at Airguns of America got it for me.
And no, we never talked cost, so I don't even know what it cost me !!

Update after having it for seven months. Still really enjoying this pistol. Just took it out after a month or so in the safe and it is still bang on 10.5ftlbs. I still need to look into having a bipod clamp made for the tube. It works just fine off a bag but sure would look cool with a bipod.

MikeVV did you ever get the factory adapter ordered for yours.

View attachment 515373
How do You like the grip?
How do You like the grip?
IF...you may be talking to me...?

I had to do a fair amount of witling to get it to fit me better. Trim, fit, trim, fit, etc. Note that I have sorta larger hands. I wear a "XXXL" motorcycle glove.
I finally got it to be fairly comfortable. Then I painted it with automotive trunk paint. It's good in that it has a slightly rough texture, like sandpaper. It provides a great overall grip, without being painful at all.



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