Same problem here.
New P15 5.5mm (did 400 shot)
Steady 850 fps from 230 to 130 bar.
Using jsb exact jumbo 18.13g (washed, sorted in groups)
Tried 2 scopes.
VTZ 4-16x50 FFP
EDL 5-40X56 FFP

Bore/scope mirror leveling
Bubble leveling (both rail + scopes)
Bob plumb line (reticle horizontally adjusted at 7 meters and 90 meters wall)

Zero at 30 meters.

Shooting at 90 meters:
1) Straight line of sight Shooting - POI is minus 2 mil or minus 2.5 mil.
2) Shooting 5 meters to the left - POI dropping to minus 3.5 mildot and drifting 3 mildot to the left.
3) Shooting 5 metets to the right - POI dropping to minus 3 mildot and drifting 2 mildot to the right.

I always shoot at 90 meters to adjust my POI.

Dunno what's wrong maybe someone can explain thank you.
Same problem here.
New P15 5.5mm (did 400 shot)
Steady 850 fps from 230 to 130 bar.
Using jsb exact jumbo 18.13g (washed, sorted in groups)
Tried 2 scopes.
VTZ 4-16x50 FFP
EDL 5-40X56 FFP

Bore/scope mirror leveling
Bubble leveling (both rail + scopes)
Bob plumb line (reticle horizontally adjusted at 7 meters and 90 meters wall)

Zero at 30 meters.

Shooting at 90 meters:
1) Straight line of sight Shooting - POI is minus 2 mil or minus 2.5 mil.
2) Shooting 5 meters to the left - POI dropping to minus 3.5 mildot and drifting 3 mildot to the left.
3) Shooting 5 metets to the right - POI dropping to minus 3 mildot and drifting 2 mildot to the right.

I always shoot at 90 meters to adjust my POI.

Dunno what's wrong maybe someone can explain thank you.
Two things. First is a 18.1 at 90 meters. If there is a bumblebee flying around at 50 meters, he’s going to blow that pellet off course. So like others have talked about in these type of topics, if there is any type of air disturbance with an airgun while your pellet or slug is in flight, it is not going to hit where you’re aiming. Second is your barrel. P15’s don’t come with premium barrels. If your barrel gathers lead as you shoot, you will always be fighting POI issues. My P15 has a very good aftermarket barrel. No POI issues.
OK, I never owned a FX of any model so I only go by what others say and don't want to add to the conversation about something I don't have experience with.

So what is the reason the FX Impact M3 has that problem ?
Most importantly, what is the solution to the problem ? How did those who has Impacts fix the problem ?

Will the same solution help owners of other brands with similar problems to solve it ?
It’s not just the m3, or fx, guns with more parts, more screws and more o rings you willhave the more areas of failure and misalignment, so more chance and or more noticeable poi shift.

The trend for “ modular” guns has undoubtedly increased the number of issues that are being reported.
Stiffening up the guns with aftermarket parts resolves most of the problems but these are just a band aid fix for poor design choices. An example might be, if you want two components to align perfectly don’t hold them together with a machine screw through a drilled hole, use ground finished shoulder bolts and a dowel pin in a reamed hole, admittedly these are slightly more expensive and require more accurate machining tolerances but this would only increase the cost of the gun by a few dollars. Better still, make one part instead of bolting 2,3 or4 parts together.

Poi shift is real but there seems to be a reluctance to accept it. It is often said that only a small percentage of dissatisfied owners report an issue, that may well be true but it still a percentage and I would argue there is a greater percentage who couldn’t tell the difference between a good shot group and a poor one.

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That was ugly, EEEEK! POI shifts are my most hated #1 enemy.

Try that in a gun like say a heavy barreled Vudoo 22rf and nothing will happen, or for that matter any of my heavy barreled target grade centerfire rifles.

I haven't tried hitting the shroud with my 17 cal Thomas FT but I doubt anything would be affected because the shroud is attached via threading onto the action thus impossible to touch the barrel. Also the barrel is clamped into a THICK receiver.

Same here. The reason I have not invested in a higher level PCP is the POI shift. The rifles are simply not made to live in the field, be carried about, transported, bumped and, yes, it happens, dropped.

The short of the long, the reason there is POI shifts with these $air rifles$ is because they are not built to maintain a solid receiver, barrel, sighting system alignment. Like a real gun.
OK, I never owned a FX of any model so I only go by what others say and don't want to add to the conversation about something I don't have experience with.

So what is the reason the FX Impact M3 has that problem ?
Most importantly, what is the solution to the problem ? How did those who has Impacts fix the problem ?

Will the same solution help owners of other brands with similar problems to solve it ?
Running late for work this morning...but will elaborate this evening with why this issue effects the M3 so much .

Oh!! BTW i have several M3,s and love shooting them, but i will not pretend this issue doesn't exist like so many do..
Same here. The reason I have not invested in a higher level PCP is the POI shift. The rifles are simply not made to live in the field, be carried about, transported, bumped and, yes, it happens, dropped.

The short of the long, the reason there is POI shifts with these $air rifles$ is because they are not built to maintain a solid receiver, barrel, sighting system alignment. Like a real gun.
There are guns out there that are built extremely well like a firearm. AAA Evol is one.
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There is a video on YouTube where a uk shooter tested 3 of his pcps for poi shift, these were the impact, epoch and raw hm1000x.

All three guns shot a 5 group control then the barrels were shaken and another 5 shot group.

To be fair three did show some degree of poi shift but the fx was by far the worst and after only 3 shots the RAW had moved back to the original poi

ok I had an fx impact, it was accurate once zeroed but EVERY time I took it out of the box poi will have moved by about 1” at 25yards, if I took the moderator off then put it back on or I knocked it, the poi moved by more than that.
Even if I left the gun untouched on the bench for an hour, poi will have moved. I have been shooting airguns for over 50 years, apart from one cr@p break barrel spring I had in the 1960’s none of my other guns have suffered from poi shift.

Please share the link of the video
FX Maverick Compact .30 cal. Regs 165/145. I have been trying to figure out my POI issues too. It may happen while shooting or while gun has sat overnight. It still shoots good groups, just might be a 1/2" from where you are sighted in at. It seems it is much more frequent when shooting over 860 fps. This makes me think it is from barrel whip, and the barrel not returning to same position. Has anyone had any success with the CF Sleeve or maybe additional orings on the barrel liner with the 500mm barrel?
FX Maverick Compact .30 cal. Regs 165/145. I have been trying to figure out my POI issues too. It may happen while shooting or while gun has sat overnight. It still shoots good groups, just might be a 1/2" from where you are sighted in at. It seems it is much more frequent when shooting over 860 fps. This makes me think it is from barrel whip, and the barrel not returning to same position. Has anyone had any success with the CF Sleeve or maybe additional orings on the barrel liner with the 500mm barrel?
My experience may be different than most, in that my guns sit in the safe (leaned up on the rack) until spring when the ground squirrels come out to ravage my cars and garden. I don't keep track of how many rounds, but the first shot or so (at my target - 50 yards) I'm like what the heck, do I need to sight this gun in? A round or two later it is shooting tight and pretty much where it should be. Anymore at the start of the season I just send the first few rounds into a steel post 30 or so yards away and then sit down to see where it is hitting.

I suspect sitting leaned up by the barrel for a period of time is my issue. But I also wonder if sitting over time the regulator has drifted or set? I'm no expert... just guessing based on my limited experience.

I'm not specifying which guns, as it seems to happen with all (some more than others), and I've had several different PCP's over the years.

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