For shorter, lighter guns —
I have a
gun hold I call the
"Full Field Rest FFR".
It's a position or technique where
I press the gun*
against a soft bag — that holds the gun steady on an object (tree, door frame, fence).
*(the scope and action of the gun, somewhere close to its balance point)
As right-handed shooter I prefer to do use my left hand to press the gun against the bag & object. The right hand really only pulls the trigger. It's a very stable position.

However, sometimes the object is on the left ("wrong") side. Then, I use my right hand for pressing the gun against the bag and object, and
the left (non-dominant) pulls the trigger.
It requires more concentration, but it works well.
For shooting pistols offhand when I don't have an object to rest the gun on —
▪ I point the gun to the left, holding it across my chest, right (dominant) hand on the trigger.
▪ Then I rest the barrel/ airtube inside the ellbow joint.
▪ My left arm/hand reaches over to my right biceps and locks the position.
▪ My right trigger hand rests on my chest.

In this position my
left (non-dominant) eye is easier to place before the ocular than my right — I need to turn my head less.
So that's what I do....
Two pigeons just found out how steady this hold is....