Well, today I had an operation where they put a metal plate and screws in my right wrist. Even left hand shooting will be difficult unless I do bench resting. So for the next few months shooting is a no-no for left or right hand shooting.

Heal up, you only get 1 body. During your down time, you'll be able to run circles in your mind with potential mods, new purchases, or even rigging up a system that lets you shoot without putting strain on your wrist.

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1️⃣ For shorter, lighter guns
I have a gun hold I call the "Full Field Rest FFR".

It's a position or technique where I press the gun* against a soft bag — that holds the gun steady on an object (tree, door frame, fence).
*(the scope and action of the gun, somewhere close to its balance point)

As right-handed shooter I prefer to do use my left hand to press the gun against the bag & object. The right hand really only pulls the trigger. It's a very stable position.
🔺 However, sometimes the object is on the left ("wrong") side. Then, I use my right hand for pressing the gun against the bag and object, and the left (non-dominant) pulls the trigger.
It requires more concentration, but it works well.

2️⃣ For shooting pistols offhand when I don't have an object to rest the gun on —
▪ I point the gun to the left, holding it across my chest, right (dominant) hand on the trigger.
▪ Then I rest the barrel/ airtube inside the ellbow joint.
▪ My left arm/hand reaches over to my right biceps and locks the position.
▪ My right trigger hand rests on my chest.

🔺 In this position my left (non-dominant) eye is easier to place before the ocular than my right — I need to turn my head less.
So that's what I do....

Two pigeons just found out how steady this hold is.... 😉

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Right handed, left eye dominant.

Always a poor shot with the rifle until I started archery and discovered I was left eye dominant. Switched to left hand/eye rifle and turned out I was pretty decent.

Now I got the Huben GK1 v3 (so left hand friendly). Waiting for pump and ammo to arrive and trying to decide how to shoot. Right eye aiming is out of the question so that leaves left eye with right or left hand, still te be decided.
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