I taught myself to shoot lefty im normally a right but its difficult to shoot righty out of a vehicle. When i was a kid taught myself to make it easier to shoot gophers on the gravel roads while road hunting on the way home from school but that was 35 or so years ago im sure jonnie law would not be impressed by todays standards. And yes we all had guns hanging in the back windows of pickups of course truck unlocked lol but that was then
I'm Right handed, Right eyed but have always practiced using both hands.

Our dominant hand/eye combination always works best but people are "weak" on the non-dominate side mostly from lack of practice rather than any physical or optical limitation.

Off-hand skills are quick to learn if you practice doing every day simple things (like stirring you coffee, eating, shaving) with your off-hand.

As motor skills improve and going-opposite doesn’t feel awkward anymore you can move on to using tools. Takes a bit of effort but it's often useful.

I’m right handed and left eye dominant. My left eye also has crisper vision.

I never understood why “right handed” shooters use their weaker arm to aim the gun. (Maybe because racking the bolt requires dexterity?)

So I switched last year and aside from it being a little awkward setting up seated shots, it’s better for me. I’m also a little less comfortable in the scope eye box but to be fair my scopes are mostly oversized competition scopes with fussy eye boxes.
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You guys shoot with your hands?

I’m right handed and left eye dominant. My left eye also has crisper vision.

I never understood why “right handed” shooters use their weaker arm to aim the gun. (Maybe because racking the bolt requires dexterity?)

So I switched last year and aside from it being a little awkward setting up seated shots, it’s better for me. I’m also a little less comfortable in the scope eye box but to be fair my scopes are mostly oversized competition scopes with fussy eye boxes.
Also left eye dominant, was taught at an early age to shoot right handed. Just recently have started shooting left handed. It seems much more natural with my eye dominance. I suspect I will shoot both in the end.
Right-handed and right-eye-dominant. I keep both eyes open for shooting.

I shoot pistols both LH and RH but rifle is too awkward, so only RH for that.

When I did a lot of photography, I focused using my left eye on the viewfinder.

I practice both sides as much as possible in all sports that allow it. Works great for kayaking in all strokes and rolling. Whatever rolling side I practiced more became dominant unless I did both sides in roughly equal amounts. Pseudo-ambidexterity can be learned and improved, but if you stop practicing for a while, your inherently dominant side reasserts itself. But even “pseudo” is very helpful when using hand tools in awkward positions, or when one side is injured.

Unfortunately, my right eye’s astigmatism and cataract are worse than the left eye’s.

BTW, practicing both sides helps for figuring out things that seem weird. For example, I noticed with both PB and air pistol that RH shots often tended to hit left of aim point, and LH shots often tended to hit right of aim point. The wind was not reversing that many times! It had to be either my overall body stance or natural tendencies in hold. (The difference was not there, or was less, when shooting off a front rest.)
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