Just before I broke my wrist I used it a bit. I need more practice but it surely works. It will be a few months before I can shoot again so for now I cannot give specifics about it other than canting in the direction the wind is blowing from. The amount of cant I still need to experiment with.

Anybody with experience with it?
so kinda leaning into the shot?
i'd be interested to know more

I had a similar thought ..but it wasn't with the cant.
You know how when you flush a toilet in the northern hemisphere, the water goes clockwise while in the southern hemisphere it goes counterclockwise.... edit ..this is the opposite..Norther hemisphere goes counterclockwise and southern goes clockwise
Do right twist barrels do better in the northen hemishpere and left twist perform better in the south?
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Why NOT to do this ?
Because CANT errors progress over distance becoming greater and greater further out the projectile travels. Then there the WIND your trying to counter leaving 2 things to adjust for :eek:
No CANT and projectile will fall on a vertical plane no matter distance ... then adjust for the wind ;) leaving just 1 thing to adjust for.

Kinda see this as creating a larger problem where simple wind doping works. Your conversation suggestion compounds this exponentially.
Since the wind drift is not linear with distance, and wind speed is variable, trying to use cant to compensate will get complicated. Now spin drift is approximately linear. From my 40yd zero out to 600yds, canting the scope in the rings by 1.7degrees CCW would almost perfectly compensate for the spin drift. That is something that I’m seriously considering.
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Just before I broke my wrist I used it a bit. I need more practice but it surely works. It will be a few months before I can shoot again so for now I cannot give specifics about it other than canting in the direction the wind is blowing from. The amount of cant I still need to experiment with.

Anybody with experience with it?
I simply hold off for wind… Rifle is always as leveled as possible… Canting the gun introduces other, unnecessary variables… I get lot of practice shooting in the wind in my backyard… The reproducible hits at various distances under different wind conditions is very satisfying. I love being able to read the wind and make my shots… And yes, of course I miss some shots, but even thats teaches me something.
I've actually tried to do some canted shots for squirrels up in a tree or birds. Figured it wouldn't matter, but I never get a hit that way. Even at short distances it really changes the POI.
A simple trick we used in Archery, you can be standing on a steep hillside, on a slope. Usually there are trees around. Most trees grow straight up. Even though your instinct may tell you otherwise, trust the Trees! Align your Gun with the Trees. We were not allowed Levels in the "Bow Hunter Division" that I was in nor any markings that could be used for Aiming. "Very much different today". Trust the Trees, and shift right, left for the wind.
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A simple trick we used in Archery, you can be standing on a steep hillside, on a slope. Usually there are trees around. Most trees grow straight up. Even though your instinct may tell you otherwise, trust the Trees! Align your Gun with the Trees. We were not allowed Levels in the "Bow Hunter Division" that I was in nor any markings that could be used for Aiming. "Very much different today". Trust the Trees, and shift right, left for the wind.
The shots I was taking were what I had presented to me by the game. I tried and failed lol. Never realized how much the roll/yaw angle mattered. These were also upward shots.
I spent a lifetime eliminating cant errors from my archery...
Well when shooting Competitive Archery...
I was competing FITA (up to 90 meters) and FIeld (80 yards) with a compound for almost two decades, meaning about a thousand arrows every week - year around -through training and practice.
We "trained" the brain in a way that as we raise the bow the scope centers itself to target subconscious.
Now at the tournament days the nerves are the factor no matter how we talk about. I am aiming to the target center - and the wind pulses... it was much easier to cant the bubble instead of compensate the L-R on the target. I remember days - with a smile on the face - that I had to lean into wind a full bubble and hit the X... one of those windy days back in time I even won the Ontario championship.
Yes, the airgun rings OD is much smaller then the 90 meters FITA X-ring, but for some just easier to lean the bubble into the wind instead of shifting and the marginal error still "acceptable". When there is a wind there is no win-win...
Me personally I would trade any wind for a rain - if you ask me :)
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It is a simple trick that even Gun shooters can use. Again, JMO. Before people come running trying to disprove Me with Algebra and other Formulas! LOL
Been using that trick for years Chief. It’s sound when you don’t have time to look at levels especially when you wear progressive lenses.
Why NOT to do this ?
Because CANT errors progress over distance becoming greater and greater further out the projectile travels. Then there the WIND your trying to counter leaving 2 things to adjust for :eek:
No CANT and projectile will fall on a vertical plane no matter distance ... then adjust for the wind ;) leaving just 1 thing to adjust for.

Kinda see this as creating a larger problem where simple wind doping works. Your conversation suggestion compounds this exponentially.

This whole cant verses wind thing just makes me want to shout "Yaba daba do!" I can just barely comprehend MOA and wind. Now I'm supposed to determine the cant. . . something I've had to teach myself to avoid all these years. NOooo! Just let me shoot, please. Orv.
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Feel some freedom created in looking at the rifles of our youth.
.22 RF's with sights SOOOO LOOOW to barrel your sight picture was @ 1/2" above bullets exit.
Is such cases where visual and actual trajectory was so close the effects of CANT were negligible at best.

CANT really becomes an effect worth noting when sight plane and trajectory path start getting separated to the amount of say 1 1/4" or greater. Yes about that height we start seeing optics / scopes in use.

No worries, No fret ... be as you are good man :love: