So cool Wildcj! I had one quite a few years ago that I purchased from AoA used, it was accurate and quiet but leaked from the get go so I returned it. It was like you said boringly accurate amd quiet! If I remember correctly these models had a fill gauge while the non FT's didn't....enjoy shooting that beauty! Those have the real FX barrels!
I’ve bought nothing but used airguns in the last 3 years (except the Huben GK1). I love the guys that get rid of these old treasures so they can have the latest and greatest version. Sometimes at a huge discount from the new price. Most recently picked up a Daystate Wolverine that was more than half the price of what they sold for new!
Their simple "classic" guns are the BEST! I NEVER get bored with the accuracy!
Yeah they are nice rifles, to shoot and look at.
I am actually a tacticool fan, but i can also mention many such rifles that put me off

The Two i shoot now i am very happy with its folding stock that let it ride in a 1 M case in the trunk, where as everything larger have to ride on the back seat, which for transport is OK i recon, but then i can not get myself to turn my back to my car for just 1 second, i can do that easy with the rifle in the trunk.

Or that is i do also like that now i have a connected dashcam in my car, so i can virtually sit in the car while out of it, and it give me the option to track it in case it start to drive without me in it.