Link us to that DNR Rule please. I couldn't find it. It seems kind of odd to limit power based on being under 700fps. Especially when powder cartridges require 500pfe.Dammit. Why did I have to find this gun.... now I have to spend 2k.
Weird there are no extensive threads on the Bushback. I need to find a .45 cal or larger pcp shooting less than 700fps for deer hunting in Illinois. Bushback appears to be the answer. Anyone else aware of other .45cal+ guns that shoot 700fps or less? Love to find a cheaper option but honestly don't mind supporting Western Airguns. But 2k.... dammit. Dammit dammit.
So, it may require a little more in depth research than the two links and postings... The Ill. Legislature's firearms definition coupled with the DNR hunting rules do not yet allow for the big bores from what I read. This is because 1) the current 2024 DNR deer hunting rules publish only what weapon size and cartridge are lawful to hunt with, but do not spell out any provision for air rifle use, even if hunting with an air rifle falling under the Illinois Legislature's firearms definitions, and 2) it looks like that bill to allow airgun in hunting use died in the legislative process on 1/8/2019 by "Session Sine Die " otherwise the rule making body was required to publish such changes.430 ILCS 65/ - Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. :: 2023 Illinois Compiled Statutes :: U.S. Codes and Statutes :: U.S. Law :: Justia firearm dealer" means,be used as a weapon.
Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB2410
The bottom one is deer hunting specific. All of our animals have prescribed ammo and calibers, maybe u already know. Can't shoot at any waterfowl with anything but a shotgun. Risk of ricochet. Things like that.
You are very right, thank you for correcting me.So, it may require a little more in depth research than the two links and postings... The Ill. Legislature's firearms definition coupled with the DNR hunting rules do not yet allow for the big bores from what I read. This is because 1) the current 2024 DNR deer hunting rules publish only what weapon size and cartridge are lawful to hunt with, but do not spell out any provision for air rifle use, even if hunting with an air rifle falling under the Illinois Legislature's firearms definitions, and 2) it looks like that bill to allow airgun in hunting use died in the legislative process on 1/8/2019 by "Session Sine Die " otherwise the rule making body was required to publish such changes.
I may have missed it, and I'll gladly be wrong because there are many state's governing bodies acting very unlawfully and unconstitutional as of late.
There can't be that stringent of "standardization" in airguns because we need to be able to tune them to shoot accurately by adjusting the power levels to the ammo used and vice-versa. Power levels are gairly easy math as advertised per the fill pressure and ammo used for the field officer checking out your airgun too.Yeah EdGun was no help. The non-standardization in advertising of these companies is silly. He told me not to fill it all the way and it would shoot sub700. I told him buying a gun under that premise is silly and legally not defendable. Then offered to sell him a Howitzer that shoots sub 700fps with foam balls. It's a ridiculous way to be.
Standardization is not that bad a thing.
They aren't sold as a max power limit.They are advertised as a standard based on ammo use and or max power produced. Including Western.
Whenever there are lawmakers involved, I worry!Thanks but Airgun Hobbyist already shot that down by providing the truth that my link was a bill that apparently didn't pass and died in 2019. Upon looking deeper there really isn't any provision to hunt deer with an airgun in IL yet. I will definitely still follow up w DNR about a few of these intricacies relating to variable airgun power and velocities. It's a hard thing to put your thumb on and like I said the lawmakers in IL are apparently happy with it that way.