N/A 14-15fpe .22 Springer

I'm looking for a good .22 springer around the 14-15fpe range. Basically want to have a self sufficient version of my lower powered PCPs for close range shooting and pesting. What are my choices? I'd love a RWS 34P like I used to have but those aren't made anymore and don't want one of the EMS versions. What else is out there? Also I prefer one with iron sights.
Hw50 in 22 will make ~13 Fpe. Great handling gun that comes with good irons. Depending on the pest, its a good 30 yard gun.. bigger critters like coons step up to the bigger Hw95 it'll make ~16.5 fpe. Comes with the same nice irons but the Luxus (deluxe) stock combs are too high for some people to use the irons. The standard stock is much better for irons but I'm not sure they're sold that way anymore. The 95 family guns are petty nice and about the same size as a classic D34. If you could find a classic 34 in 22, that'd be good.
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I like both suggestions on the HW50S and the HW95. Out of my experience I like lowering the power of the 95 to the 13-14 ft lb range rather than upping the 50 to the 12-13. It makes for a better shooting experience in my book. My R9 is shooting the H&N FTTs 14.66 grains at 640 FPS range and makes a gentle shooter.
Cometa 400, very accurate, good triggers when adjusted and good price. HW50 .22 with Vortek kit are usually 11.5-12ftlb, will kill squirrels out to 35 yds and any pest bird out to 40 yds or better except maybe pigeons. Would be a excellent barn gun.
Ive got a BSA Lightning XL .22(Birmingham gun) thats shooting around 13.5-14ftlb very accurate and quiet. Might look into them believe AOA has them, have had the Gas piston GRT version also very accurate but stiff cocking.
No iron sights on any of these though but think you can get the Cometas with open sights, think its the Cometa 200 or 300.
Power levels for these except Cometa are a little lower then what you wanted but will pretty much take care of most pesting except for bigger critters like Raccoons etc.
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Get the diana 34 22 cal with a wood stock and never look back. I have own way too many springers and my 34 will do basically the same as a hw97 . I actually bought mine from PA as refurbished and it looks perfect . Stay away from the ems version just get what I have .
I like both suggestions on the HW50S and the HW95. Out of my experience I like lowering the power of the 95 to the 13-14 ft lb range rather than upping the 50 to the 12-13. It makes for a better shooting experience in my book. My R9 is shooting the H&N FTTs 14.66 grains at 640 FPS range and makes a gentle shooter.
Your assessment is generally accurate. I'm gonna sound like an ass but harshness and accuracy can vary by shooter to shooter, gun to gun and by who did what work to it.

Shot cycle perception is really objective. One persons smooth is another persons harsh. I like a quick snap of a shot cycle with zero twang. That to me is smooth. To someone else it may be too snappy.

Accuracy also varies by shooter to shooter. The cold hard fact is some people shoot springers better than others. I'll be the first to say I'm not one of them. I'm barely ok but I knew a guy named Rod back in NY that could shoot ANY springer well. Even big unruly monster ones that weren't even his. This led me to thinking that reducing power doesn't necessarily make a gun more accurate as much as it makes it easier to shoot accurately. I can shoot low and mid power springers at full power reasonably okay but I really struggle with my 22 cal R1. Is it the gun or me? F'd if I know. I'm still struggling with it at slightly reduced power.

I recently did a 22 cal 50 for someone that you'd have no idea it was making 13 fpe. It felt like 10. It blowing out the plywood backer was the only clue that thing shot so hard. Well that and 500 shots over a chronograph. It'd consistently put 5 shots under a nickel at 33 yards. Not Field Target worthy but definitely critter worthy.

My wifes 177 Hw30 makes nearly 9 fpe. It's a total aberration. I've probably tuned close to a dozen different 177 Hw30s and never seen another make this kind of power without dieseling. Yet it's smooth and is crazy accurate.

A good 22 cal 95 will make 17 fpe with some kits and still shoot well. Mine IIRC is making 16 and it's probably the tamest shooting rifle I own. My 15 fpe 177 Hw95 has the same guts but is much harsher due the smaller bore. Yet its more accurate. Go figure.

What I'm sayin is reducing power isn’t always necessary for accuracy and smoothness because there are so many other variables. I only reduce power when everything else fails. Like I tried with my R1. Eventually I'll figure that thing out. I hope 😊

Be well
I got them all, but the HW95,Beeman R-9 in .20 is my favorite, get it in .22. I also have the HW77and 97 they are also good,but heavier and not as fast on the draw. The HW50 is good, but not as good for me.I would say an English Webley Tomahawk or its' little brother the Longbow, the problem there is you cannot find them .,but twce a year on the used air gun market.
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I got them all, but the HW95,Beeman R-9 in .20 is my favorite, get it in .22. I also have the HW77and 97 they are also good,but heavier and not as fast on the draw. The HW50 is good, but not as good for me.I would say an English Webley Tomahawk or its' little brother the Longbow, the problem there is you cannot find them .,but twce a year on the used air gun market.
I do have an English Tomahawk in .22 and there's something special with these rifles. They are few and far between!
Good info here so far. I have a HW30S in .177 I really enjoy. I've owned some HW50S in the past that I really liked but power wise I think I would like higher. Basically I want something similar powered to the RWS 34P .22 I had. Just looking to get something I can pest with and not have air. I'm not sure I want anything but a break barrel. Looks like a HW95 would probably be best fit? Unless I can find a 34P used.
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