What options do i have for Stock Or not stock airgun .25 cal, that is capable 150yards/150meter target shooting. Can be budget, wont have to be super highend. It can eather be for group shooting, or atleast hit size of Football. Would love it to be full auto/semiauto if possible. Is my option only like Huben k1 ? not so familiar with these. Feel free to share your opinion, and if some pcp needs to be tuned, it would be nice to also know how much i would need to do and what. CURRENTLY weapon is this - >https://aselkonarms.com/urun/pcp-mx5/ pipe lenght is 550, with my silencer probably 700. Rifled barrer, twist rate 1:15. Stock shoots 840/890 fps / 61-62 joule AND assuming they have used 24 grain or something i think ?. Now it shoots those Jsb 33.95's @ 271 m/s average, so like 900 fps with those. It was a Big 1x1m rifle target, and i had to sigh over the whole targer, and got 3 shots from 10 to lowdown on whole thing..
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