N/A 150y target shooting with .25cal. What are my options ?

What options do i have for Stock Or not stock airgun .25 cal, that is capable 150yards/150meter target shooting. Can be budget, wont have to be super highend. It can eather be for group shooting, or atleast hit size of Football. Would love it to be full auto/semiauto if possible. Is my option only like Huben k1 ? not so familiar with these. Feel free to share your opinion, and if some pcp needs to be tuned, it would be nice to also know how much i would need to do and what. CURRENTLY weapon is this - >https://aselkonarms.com/urun/pcp-mx5/ pipe lenght is 550, with my silencer probably 700. Rifled barrer, twist rate 1:15. Stock shoots 840/890 fps / 61-62 joule AND assuming they have used 24 grain or something i think ?. Now it shoots those Jsb 33.95's @ 271 m/s average, so like 900 fps with those. It was a Big 1x1m rifle target, and i had to sigh over the whole targer, and got 3 shots from 10 to lowdown on whole thing..
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Currently having .25cal Avg 79 joules with Jbs exact king heavy 2.2g, and this power is not enough for that.
I've done well with the 25.39gr at 47fpe out to 200m. The 33.95gr at nearly 60fpe and 150yds should work absolutely fine, especially if your standard is hitting a football. What gun and what issues are you having?
I've done well with the 25.39gr at 47fpe out to 200m. The 33.95gr at nearly 60fpe and 150yds should work absolutely fine, especially if your standard is hitting a football. What gun and what issues are you having?
hello thanks for your reply!. I currently have Aselkon mx5 .25 cal. Previous owner has done some tuning to it. He did mention 2 valves, that he had drill bigger was it 0.3 or 0.5mm and also Spring is tightened 2 rounds. With mods he did, the stock was shooting 61 joules, and i think with 24g ? they dont advertise with that weight pellet it is. So now it is tuned there what i did mention. IF i try to shoot from straight line to 150 meters, it wont kinda fly there.. I did manage to land some shots to that big rifle target, but i would need to shoot like little above the whole big target, to get it hit there.. im wondering what is wrong, haha :D. Also, it has Build in "regulator" that is set from factory to 110 or 120, now it should be like 160bar, since he did drill it bigger.
With pellets and pellet velocities you're always going to have to aim a bit high at those kinds of ranges. Adjustable scope mounts help so that you can dial in your optic.

If you want to shoot a flatter trajectory you would want to shoot slugs which will significantly reduce your holdover. The downside is that tuning for slugs and finding a slug that works with your barrel takes quite a bit of work unless you get really lucky.
With pellets and pellet velocities you're always going to have to aim a bit high at those kinds of ranges. Adjustable scope mounts help so that you can dial in your optic.

If you want to shoot a flatter trajectory you would want to shoot slugs which will significantly reduce your holdover. The downside is that tuning for slugs and finding a slug that works with your barrel takes quite a bit of work unless you get really lucky.
Thank you. So the weapon is this - >https://aselkonarms.com/urun/pcp-mx5/ pipe lenght is 550, with my silencer probably 700. Rifled barrer, twist rate 1:15. Stock shoots 840/890 fps / 61-62 joule AND assuming they have used 24 grain or something i think ?. Now it shoots those Jsb 33.95's @ 271 m/s average, so like 900 fps with those. So i think i definately buy some slugs now, but can i realy go as heavy as 49.5 altaros ? It was a Big 1x1m rifle target, and i had to sight bit over the whole targer, and manages to land 3 shots from 10 to realy down of that board....
With pellets and pellet velocities you're always going to have to aim a bit high at those kinds of ranges. Adjustable scope mounts help so that you can dial in your optic.

If you want to shoot a flatter trajectory you would want to shoot slugs which will significantly reduce your holdover. The downside is that tuning for slugs and finding a slug that works with your barrel takes quite a bit of work unless you get really lucky.
Todays understatement. Getting that one PERFECT tune, slugs and pellets, makes you want to put your gun in a glass case and never touch it again.
hmm, i did not understand this :D well i mean if Huben k1 shoots to 100m "all" to 1 inch, it sure would shoot 150 yards to size of basketball/football.. ?
You, or someone said 'flat' Which is almost impossible. My 17HMR is 'flat' out to 125 yards but it's sizzling at 2400fps with a whopping 17gr. Technically the ONLY way to have a dead straight/flat trajectory is going straight down. Everything else is lobbing, that pesky gravity thing. That said, IMHO at 150 yards and some members here shoot to 300+, no idea what their 'groups' are. 150 yard MOA is 1.5+" so it's doable with the right slug or perhaps even a pellet. I know I shoot ground squirrels at 125 yards or at least scare them using both 22gr (.22) and 26gr (.25) slugs and 33.95gr (.25) pellets
Perhaps this trajectory chart might explain, There is ALWAYS an arc to ANY projectile fired from a gun, be it airgun or firearm. Hope that makes it more clear.
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