N/A 150y target shooting with .25cal. What are my options ?

You, or someone said 'flat' Which is almost impossible. My 17HMR is 'flat' out to 125 yards but it's sizzling at 2400fps with a whopping 17gr. Technically the ONLY way to have a dead straight/flat trajectory is going straight down. Everything else is lobbing, that pesky gravity thing. That said, IMHO at 150 yards and some members here shoot to 300+, no idea what their 'groups' are. 150 yard MOA is 1.5+" so it's doable with the right slug or perhaps even a pellet. I know I shoot ground squirrels at 125 yards or at least scare them using both 22gr (.22) and 26gr (.25) slugs and 33.95gr (.25) pellets
Thanks for reply. I finaly got some Altaros and H&N slugs, now this rifle is way different! there is day and night difference shooting pellets or these slugs.. Did penetrate much more and far distance. I did use -> H&N Slug HP Heavy 6,35 // 38gr And Altaros ATP Smooth 6,35 mm 49,5 gr. Did just fun shoot 1 mag of both since was little hurry, but definately alot more accuracy/penetrating power than JSB 33.95gr, that this was tuned for 77-80j with Chrono. So i did not adjust anything, and i think it wont make it anymore powerfull if i Tighten spring 1 more round ? or maybe it would ? like said, now it is 2 rounds tighter, and air holes drilled 0.3-0.5mm bigger.

I am not sure was it the enviroment, but the gun did seem to be louder ? maybe it was my ears or the place.
I was fun testing Penetration, who has not shot trough "poop and crap" ? well, i bought a Frying pan, put it in 30 meters and did use Altaros 50grain and H&N slug hp heavy 38grain. I did not excpect they go trough frying pan about 30m.. it was 2.5mm thick. Altaros did better than lighter h&n, allmost all Altaros went trough, but not all h&n. The ones that did not go trough, did leave a HUGE dent.. like 1.5cm backside and allmost trough. Going to buy new slugs again for testing, Should i try some lighter slugs ? like 22-30grain range ? Those Jsb 33.95grain jumbo pellet fly 271m/s = 889 fps.

