1720T thread!

First mod complete.. Took about an hour total, mostly getting the nerve to take the first cut. :) Breaking in my new hobby milling machine.

Next will be some sort of stock to turn it into a carbine. I already have an RAI AR style stock and I like the minimalist look , but I am thinking a nice wood stock for something different.

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Awesome. That's about the only thing that keeps the 1720 and 1701 from being perfect in my eyes. I prefer single loading my .22 guns, but the .177 is just too small for me to do it easily. Can you tell us more about what you did to modify it to accept a mag? I assume that's a Marauder. 177 mag?
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I agree and that's one of the reasons I wanted to do this. It does work fine I shot it today and ran through 5 mags with no issues whatsoever.

I got the idea to do this from another member here on AGN that posted a picture of doing this mod.

I just finished setting up my new mini milling machine and figured this was a good first project. I face milled about .070 on the barrel end of the receiver/breech to expose the end of the barrel. Then from the face milled end, I cut a 5/8" wide slot approximately .150 deep, that the magazine slides into. The magazine also slides and clicks on to the exposed barrel and the shelf keeps it from being pushed back. Same as the Prod and Mrod. The magazine is from a .177 Marauder rifle.


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Great job figuring that out and kudos to you for taking the leap and machining your breech. After the modification you made, other than the longer width of the 1720 slot for the single shot tray, is the breach the same as the prod breach? I wonder if you could just order a new prod breech and a mrod .177 magazine and install on a 1720 or 1701?
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Not sure as I don't own a Prod. Don't know if the Prod and Mrod magazines are the same.

I found the original article where I got the idea from. Mine is the same with the design limitations mentioned.

And here
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Great job figuring that out and kudos to you for taking the leap and machining your breech. After the modification you made, other than the longer width of the 1720 slot for the single shot tray, is the breach the same as the prod breach? I wonder if you could just order a new prod breech and a mrod .177 magazine and install on a 1720 or 1701?

MROD and PROD mags are different and not interchangeable.

17xx barrels don’t have O-rings in them; O-rings are probe-mounted vs the PROD’s barrel-mounted like the MROD’s.
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Thank you for that clarification. If it were that simple, I'm sure everyone would have done it and known about it by now. I will probably look at ordering a 1720 and 1701 breech from crosman and a couple mrod mags and have them machined. The ability to run magazines rather than single loading would make them so much more enjoyable to shoot.
Thank you for that clarification. If it were that simple, I'm sure everyone would have done it and known about it by now. I will probably look at ordering a 1720 and 1701 breech from crosman and a couple mrod mags and have them machined. The ability to run magazines rather than single loading would make them so much more enjoyable to shoot.

I actually prefer single shot.

I have a PROD build that hasn’t had a magazine, just a MROD/Gauntlet single tray that had the bottom slightly sanded for a perfect fit.

My PROD sports a LW MROD barrel; no mods done to it except a bit of file on the 2 flat surfaces, about 2mm fore or so, for the 2 breech set screws to align perfectly.

You could even use a .177 MROD barrel (they’re 20” though vs the PROD’s 12”) on your PROD, but you have to replace the cocking bolt with that of a .177 Fortitude’s——no mags though, unfortunately, just a MROD/Gauntlet single shot tray.
Calls to Crosman usually don’t cost that much, but $215 later, I will have a Walther barrel and mrod shroud.

I have a second used Prod inbound, and another old elm Crosman stock.
The power Prod will be put in the stock with a the Walther barrel. The inbound Prod will use a stick stock and run lower power like 12fpe ish for wad cutters.

Soon I will invent another perceived need and buy another pile of stuff.
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Calls to Crosman usually don’t cost that much, but $215 later, I will have a Walther barrel and mrod shroud.

I have a second used Prod inbound, and another old elm Crosman stock.
The power Prod will be put in the stock with a the Walther barrel. The inbound Prod will use a stick stock and run lower power like 12fpe ish for wad cutters.

Soon I will invent another perceived need and buy another pile of stuff.

You do know the MROD shroud is too fat for the PROD, right? :giggle:
Distance from black cap to tip of 1/2 UNF adapter is approximately 223 mm.

With the Fortitude air tube with fill port and black cap, the air tube surpasses the 1/2 UNF adapter by 22 mm, give or take.

My PROD shroud placement is based on factory specs, but you could move it forward should you wish to install an LDC.

Mine is quiet with just the shroud cuz it’s a low power build: .038” MAP hammer spring + red TP.