Also, if money is no object Flintsack has posted some eye popping groups at 187 yds with a .177 (Redwolf?)!
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These:plus this
will perform at 85 yards and take down squirrels.
Yes, transfer port .177/22, and hammer spring 4. This is where I get my best accuracy. The pellets hit hard for a .177.
Was up in OREGON a week and a half ago competing in Airgun Oregon's 1st annual EBR / EFT event. I'm not sure ? ... but there is a very high likelihood that perhaps I'm the only one fool enough that has ever put a .177 caliber "Pellet shooter" into a "Extreme" type air gun competition ? 25 to 100 yards shooting.
Shooting JSB BEAST 16.2's at 960 fps ( @ 33 FPE ) was able to secure a shared second place finish. The shared 2nd place finisher as well the top shooter in the EFT event were shooting JSB 25.4 in .22 caliber at @ 50+ FPE !!
Yes a .177 can play in these high power events, tho don't recommend it due to wind movement if present.
Point being the lowly .177 with the pellets & high power pcp's we have these days IS NOT the .177 of days past !! They are capable of accuracy at ranges never attempted just a few years ago. Start talking SLUGS in a correctly matched set up .... Simply phenomenal !
Scott S
My leshiy loves the 13 grain JSBs. 842 fps with the short 250mm barrel.
As long as the wind is mild, I think the .177 in a high power mode like the 16 grain Beast (at approx 30-ish FPE) is competitive in events like EFT out to 100 yards. However, as far as EBR type "pellet" events at 100 yards with "normal" afternoon swirling winds, it is not recommended to bring a knife to a gun fight...
100% agree! I was messing around with 12.5 grain slugs at 920FPS and at only 34 yards it drifted 1 inch in 10 MPH wind. Same 10 MPH wind the 34 grain slugs @920fps drifts 1 inch at 100 yards.
picture rotated on me but thats 5 at 100 with nsa 12.5’s around 1000fps. Its been FANTASTIC on ground squirrels at 100+. I wouldnt shoot anything bigger than squirrels at that range. Maybe a rabbit if I was starving lol. But yea the .177 is capable but if you already have one just go to .25!