177 Delta Wolf advice?

Finally received my 177 Delta Wolf. Got a chance to shoot it today and so far so good. I was hoping any other 177 Delta Wolf owners would share what heavy pellet / slugs have worked for you and the setting your using them at? This would be 12gr and heavier! I tried out some Zan 13gr, howler 12gr and JSB 13gr with decent results at 50 yards. I would really like to know what has worked for others. If any one has had luck running the H&N 16gr out of there delta wolf would really be interested in hearing about that! Thanks for the help.

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I have the 177 Alpha with 23" barrel and I haven't had much luck with slugs, although I have not had a chance to try anything from Zan yet. The NSA 12.5 and 15, the Daystate Howlers, and the H&N 13 and 16gr. They just don't fly well for me. At 50 yards around 1-2" and by 100 they barely stay on paper if you can even see where they hit.

The two projectiles I have had exteremely good success with are the H&N Barracuda Match 10gr in 4.50mm have prduced sub 0.5" groups at 45 yards for me. Also the JSB 16.2gr bamavet55 mentions have been just as accurate out to 45 yards - I look forward to trying them out to 100 when the opportunity arrives.

Worth noting that I used a setting I had created to send the NSA 15 gr at around 920 and I am getting 980fps from the 16.2gr which is just a touch under 35 fpe.
My hammer is set at 2900 µS and voltage at 85. This setting propels the 13 gr Zan at ~900 fps and 16.2 gr JSB diabolo pellets at ~850 fps.
Should probably add your reg setting - as speeds will vary if reg is different.
Now - just my opinion and maybe it doesn’t matter, but isn’t 85 volts way up at the top of the range? I don’t think any of my 177 profile go above 77 or 78 volts with a 150bar reg.
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My hammer is set at 2900 µS and voltage at 85. This setting propels the 13 gr Zan at ~900 fps and 16.2 gr JSB diabolo pellets at ~850 fps.

Thanks for the info. I haven't messed with the advanced settings yet. I was just using the stock profile in the gun for the 13.43gr I bumped the reg to 165 and shooting the 13gr Zans at 945fps.
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I am shooting 13.4 grain FX or JSB pellets at 810 fpe for field target. That combination is working for me.
settings are as follows, once it worked I stuck with it

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My Delta Wolf .177 with 23" barrel is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, so I am very interested in this thread! I had a Pulsar .177 HP and liked it very much but wanted the ability to program it. Rather than buying the programmer I decided to trade it in and get the Delta Wolf. Looking forward to playing with my new Delta Wolf!!
The programming, to me, is a double edged sword.

For one, on the DW / AW it is dead easy to make a new 'program'

On the other hand, without an understanding of the relationship between the voltage for the hammer strike, the length of the hammer strike and the reg pressure I am not certain that I am not harming the gun, the shot count or performance in some other way.

Has anyone written up a guide regarding the above relationships?

Also, I know it's been suggested before, but perhaps a sharing of settings would benefit all DW / AW users.

BTW - credit for the setting above goes to Patagonia Airguns Chile's youtube postings
part 1 - overall video of the DW
part 2 - specific settings are mentioned in this one
SDstephan - I agree programming can be a double edge sword. My Puslar had 3 power settings and I found settings for good SD/ES for 10.34gr, 13.43gr, and 16,2gr JSB pellets. For accuracy it liked 13,43gr JSBs the best. The reason I wanted programming ability was to make small adjustments to hone into the best accuracy for a specific pellet. I also have learned with mechanical adjustable airguns that ham fisted adjustments are not something that you want to do.

My Delta Wolf arrived yesterday, but had a bad battery so am waiting for a replacement later this week. One issue I found, other than the battery, is a total lack of documentation included on how to program the Delta Wolf. I did download the Alpha/Delta Wolf Handbook from Daystate before buying the Delta Wolf but would have been nice to have a hardcopy included with the Delta Wolf.

The advantage the Delta Wolf may have is the sharing of good repeatable setups on this forum. I intend to try your FT setting once I am up and running. I also want to try various slug settings after I find some good pellet settings.
Programming is much easier with the USB Programmer and app on a computer. With just the menu it is possible but a real PITA. With the app you just edit a bunch of rows and columns and push it to the rifle. You can also re-order your settings from within the app, which cannot be done directly on the rifle. For the $150 I think it has paid off for me in a lot of saved time and testing of settings.
SDstephan - I agree programming can be a double edge sword. My Puslar had 3 power settings and I found settings for good SD/ES for 10.34gr, 13.43gr, and 16,2gr JSB pellets. For accuracy it liked 13,43gr JSBs the best. The reason I wanted programming ability was to make small adjustments to hone into the best accuracy for a specific pellet. I also have learned with mechanical adjustable airguns that ham fisted adjustments are not something that you want to do.

My Delta Wolf arrived yesterday, but had a bad battery so am waiting for a replacement later this week. One issue I found, other than the battery, is a total lack of documentation included on how to program the Delta Wolf. I did download the Alpha/Delta Wolf Handbook from Daystate before buying the Delta Wolf but would have been nice to have a hardcopy included with the Delta Wolf.

The advantage the Delta Wolf may have is the sharing of good repeatable setups on this forum. I intend to try your FT setting once I am up and running. I also want to try various slug settings after I find some good pellet settings.
Another point for mechanical rifle....
I have the 177 Alpha with 23" barrel and I haven't had much luck with slugs, although I have not had a chance to try anything from Zan yet. The NSA 12.5 and 15, the Daystate Howlers, and the H&N 13 and 16gr. They just don't fly well for me. At 50 yards around 1-2" and by 100 they barely stay on paper if you can even see where they hit.

The two projectiles I have had exteremely good success with are the H&N Barracuda Match 10gr in 4.50mm have prduced sub 0.5" groups at 45 yards for me. Also the JSB 16.2gr bamavet55 mentions have been just as accurate out to 45 yards - I look forward to trying them out to 100 when the opportunity arrives.

Worth noting that I used a setting I had created to send the NSA 15 gr at around 920 and I am getting 980fps from the 16.2gr which is just a touch under 35 fpe.
Another point for Airgun Technology rifles.....
ctshooter - I like the concept of the USB programmer but remember a post while I was doing research on the Delta Wolf where a user corrupted his on-board computer by mistake. Is this a real issue? All good digital devices have the ability for their software/firmware to be updated on an as-needed basis and I would like the capability to do that with the Delta Wolf.