Also some times shooting far, and with really low winds, i notice a drifting bias to one side, often one i can not blame on wind.
This is always sideways and hammering a paper i see the shots drift slowly to one side, not necessary shot after shot, of course also with a little up / down spice in the mix, so at some time i will have to add a click, and it is like a reset button, but only for a while then the process repeat.
Not for ever t hough at some time it will stop or start to move to the other side, which freak me CUZ often that would be up against the wind.
I swear i will never get this hobby, but fortunately i am not here for the science in it.
A 100 yard paper i shot today i soon noticed a LEFT bias and so was holding a little high and to the Right, but still some shots wanted to drift left, and also a little low.
Okay there is also a bias for my shots sort of landing where i was aiming or only drifting a very little.
Contemplating if this can be scope / eye alignment issues, i do after all go off the scope and back on for every shot i make using a single shot tray.