HW/Weihrauch 177 Hw95 @50

I shot my 177 Hw95 this morning before the wind and rain get here. Here's the whole page. Ignore the top six. They're are 22LR.

IF only targets 2, 3 & 4 didn't have one straggler. But that's how unsorted pellets from a random tin go. Oh well. I'm still pretty happy with these. Btw the stragglers weren't fifth shot chokes.

This gun will best my 97 with the right tin of pellets. Just shows that break barrels can be very accurate.


I shot my 177 Hw95 this morning before the wind and rain get here. Here's the whole page. Ignore the top six. They're are 22LR.

IF only targets 2, 3 & 4 didn't have one straggler. But that's how unsorted pellets from a random tin go. Oh well. I'm still pretty happy with these. Btw the stragglers weren't fifth shot chokes.

This gun will best my 97 with the right tin of pellets. Just shows that break barrels can be very accurate.

View attachment 495539

View attachment 495540
Nice shooting,!
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