1st time buyer of PCP Airgun disappointed

That is a NEW gun. There is ZERO reason you should be putting so much effort into getting it working correctly. Why are you so set in trying to get it going?

You should be returning it or at least exchanging it to avoid causing your warranty to be voided. It would suck to still have problems, try to return it and they deny that return because of all your tinkering as they could easily claim that you damaged it.

I had a new pcp arrive that wasnt holding air. Im very mechanically inclined with over 30 years as an aircraft mech. They sent me a return label and suggested a couple things I could try if I wanted to. I found one leak at a gauge, snugged it with a stubby 7/8's wrench. still leaked and stopped there as I wasn't going to risk damaging it and voiding the warranty. It cost me a few weeks time but was cheap compared to paying to have it fixed myself.
I am returning it. t's become to much work I contacted Hatsan if they can't replace I am returning to Dick's.
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if you buy Hatsan or SPA mfr airguns,,, you need to like repairing and fixing stuff
like a kit that has been preassembled, and needs to taken apart and put some finishing touches to and then reassemble
made for tinkers and not for those who are all thumbs on mechanical stuff.
my first pcp was a Gladius Hatsan I really disliked that platform,, I have bought 4 SPA built guns I still shoot my highly modified P-15,,,
the Varmit and co2 pistol collect dust and the Notos was given to the neighbor

my attempts at being frugal cost me a lot
Maybe an oring plug up the hole inside the hose?
Is there a little white plastic Oring that the probe seals against? If you over tighten the fittings the hole in the Oring closes up. I discovered that on a air compressor. It did pretty much the same thing. It wouldn't put any pressure into the rifle but the compressor gage would go into the red very quickly. I pulled the hose off of the compressor and started it. I put my fingers down where the air comes out and when it got up to where the seal couldn't hold on anymore, it shot out smacking my hand 🤕. Man did that hurt😂. If it is crushed just take a drill around 1/8 inch and drill the hole open again. If you have a spare it would be better to use it.
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(I love Dick’s by the way - every time I fly out to see my family in the states I ditch the wife and spend an hour or so - compared to Europe prices it is practically free for fishing tackle)
I quit shopping at Dicks sporting goods when they went anti gun. I felt like l was supporting the anti gun lobby. JMO, Don
I returned my Avenger because it leaked when I got it. I had to pay for the return shipment and they took 5 weeks to get it back to me but it has worked flawlessly since. Now that I have more experience taking my airguns apart I would probably just fix it myself. That's what I did with my P35-177 when it started leaking. It was an O-ring that needed replaced - not a surprise. I agree with the comment that to enjoy a SPA gun it is best if you are not afraid to make some adjustments yourself. All three of mine needed the hammer spring to be better balanced against the regulator setting and all three needed the trigger adjusted. I thought the crown looked bad so I polished that too, I didn't shoot them first so it might not have been necessary. Needing to do these things did not decrease my enjoyment of the guns but I also understand others could have a different view.
Is there a little white plastic Oring that the probe seals against? If you over tighten the fittings the hole in the Oring closes up. I discovered that on a air compressor. It did pretty much the same thing. It wouldn't put any pressure into the rifle but the compressor gage would go into the red very quickly. I pulled the hose off of the compressor and started it. I put my fingers down where the air comes out and when it got up to where the seal couldn't hold on anymore, it shot out smacking my hand 🤕. Man did that hurt😂. If it is crushed just take a drill around 1/8 inch and drill the hole open again. If you have a spare it would be better to use it.
No but when the cartridge jammed for the 5th or 6th time in a row I noticed a black seal around the firing pin wasn't sure if this was a gun seal or a cart seal? I saved it's not broken looks good just clueless where it came from. Put a dime next to seal to reference it's size.

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Actually I was thinking the same. With tech support via email going back & forth now. Support had me try a few things. So if it fails they will send me replacement.
So you aren't returning it then? How or why would they send you a replacement if you are returning it?

Many have tried to help you and given you sound advice, including places to go to help and give you support. Yet you have not once thanked them for it or expressed your appreciation aside from a very generic this forum is good.
So you aren't returning it then? How or why would they send you a replacement if you are returning it?

Many have tried to help you and given you sound advice, including places to go to help and give you support. Yet you have not once thanked them for it or expressed your appreciation aside from a very generic this forum is good.
Were you not hugged as a child? Don't care if you don't like what I said. I help on computer tech forums constantly and I would NEVER put what you just did on a post I helped with.
I do it because I want to I expect nothing.
Were you not hugged as a child? Don't care if you don't like what I said. I help on computer tech forums constantly and I would NEVER put what you just did on a post I helped with.
I do it because I want to I expect nothing.
Showing some simple appreciation or a thank you goes a long long way. Something you've failed to do once. Others noticed it too and commented on it in this thread. It's not expecting something in return for the help, it's called having common decency.

I shared your responses with a friend for her views. She was shocked and with your attitude now apparent, wished nobody had helped you. That the proper response to someone helping you is a thank you as it's common decency.

Then your response shows your utter disrespect and true character which is sad. If you help in various forums then you know how utterly disrespectful it is not to thank those trying to help you.

I understand you are frustrated but to fail to show some appreciation manners and project your attitude on others here speaks volumes.
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Were you not hugged as a child? Don't care if you don't like what I said. I help on computer tech forums constantly and I would NEVER put what you just did on a post I helped with.
I do it because I want to I expect nothing.
@weevil lol don't think he's going to be showing any appreciation or thanking anyone. Glad you noticed it too.