2 cylinder tuxing 4500 psi compressor PRV

Has anyone tried to adjust the pressure relief valve (PRV) on the 2 cylinder tuxing 4500 psi compressor? It appears to be adjustable and aliexpress says it's adjustable, but that's as far as they go with the description. It looks like there's another half turn or more to go on it. I'm wondering if I can crank 5000 psi out of it. It seems like 4500 is a strange limit on an adjustable PRV.

I read another thread where somebody replaced their PRV with a higher rated one, but I haven't been able to find it to ask there.

Also, what size are the threads where the PRV is screwed into the filter tower?
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It seems like 4500 is a strange limit on an adjustable PRV.

4500 psi is not a strange upper limit from a company that also sells a lot of tanks rated for a max of 4500 psi . . .

Having that as the peak level, but allowing it to be set lower for tanks rated to a lower pressure level would be very logical in my book, not strange . . .
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4500 psi is not a strange upper limit from a company that also sells a lot of tanks rated for a max of 4500 psi . . .

Having that as the peak level, but allowing it to be set lower for tanks rated to a lower pressure level would be very logical in my book, not strange . .

A pic would help. Threads will need to be measured with calipers and a pitch guage more than likely China changes specs whenever they feel like it. If its like the bov on my 4 cyl tuxing it's adjustable by internal spring tension. Don't go to 5000 of you have these questions please.
What do you mean? Why else would I be asking these questions? I was hoping we could leave the gate keeping on Reddit.

I really do appreciate that you took the time to reply to my question. Maybe I shouldn't have been so vague. I apologize for that. The questions were intended for people who may have already swapped out their PRV, or otherwise modified their compressor to produce 350 bar.

It turns out I don't need to know that thread size/pitch/count/type/etc. There is a lot of adjustment left to be had in that PRV. ..much more than it appears. I was able to turn mine in another 1½ turns with more to spare.

I pumped it up to 4,800 psi. Bled it down to 0, then to 5,100 psi. It wasn't a problem and there was no noticeable difference in performance throughout the whole range .
4500 psi is not a strange upper limit from a company that also sells a lot of tanks rated for a max of 4500 psi . . .

Having that as the peak level, but allowing it to be set lower for tanks rated to a lower pressure level would be very logical in my book, not strange . . .
What makes you qualify to write such a book? Do you think they make their own prvs? Do you think they make their own pipe and fittings also? Why does the gauge go up to 6000 psi?

Fyi: I was able to get another turn and a half with more to spare out of my prv and crank my pressure up to 5100 PSI with no problems.

Fyi2: ... and speaking from experience, anything with a pressure rating has to be tested to at least one and a half times it's intended max pressure. We usually do two or three times the intended pressure just for us before we call an inspector to do it at one and a half times.
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What makes you qualify to write such a book? Do you think they make their own prvs? Do you think they make their own pipe and fittings also? Why does the gauge go up to 6000 psi?

Fyi: I was able to get another turn and a half with more to spare out of my prv and crank my pressure up to 5100 PSI with no problems.

Fyi2: ... and speaking from experience, anything with a pressure rating has to be tested to at least one and a half times it's intended max pressure. We usually do two or three times the intended pressure just for us before we call an inspector to do it at one and a half times.
Ssgmac, a couple nights ago I was filling my 9 liter with my Gxcs4i that has the Tuxing twin gold filters . I was letting it go to about 4700 psi but the pressure relief valve opened at just over 4500psi. So I was looking all over Aliexpress and googling to find a higher rated valve. Didn’t find anything so I ordered a 5 and 6k burst disc. Anyway tonight tried with the Tuxing 042 twin which also has the gold twin filters and ran it up to 4900 psi on a 6.8 and the 9 liter with no problem. Then I saw this post.
So I can adjust these ? Pic to concur we’re talking about the same thing. If so, how ?
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What makes you qualify to write such a book? Do you think they make their own prvs? Do you think they make their own pipe and fittings also? Why does the gauge go up to 6000 psi?

Fyi: I was able to get another turn and a half with more to spare out of my prv and crank my pressure up to 5100 PSI with no problems.

Fyi2: ... and speaking from experience, anything with a pressure rating has to be tested to at least one and a half times it's intended max pressure. We usually do two or three times the intended pressure just for us before we call an inspector to do it at one and a half times.
Just because the guage has the range doesn't mean it's meant to go that far (like a car speedo that goes to 190 but your governor cuts ignition at 105). You have a lot more faith in Chinese materials and engineering standards than I do. I have the same bov on the 4 cylinder, and it came preset for 3000, when I had some semblence of a convo with tuxing people they didn't suggest going past 300 bar when I wanted 310.

Using a guage with a wider measurement range than you need can help lessen the odds of the bourdon tube in the guage being memory sprung as yours did. You seem to be set on this, best of luck and be careful. Chinesium fails more often than not.
Ssgmac, a couple nights ago I was filling my 9 liter with my Gxcs4i that has the Tuxing twin gold filters . I was letting it go to about 4700 psi but the pressure relief valve opened at just over 4500psi. So I was looking all over Aliexpress and googling to find a higher rated valve. Didn’t find anything so I ordered a 5 and 6k burst disc. Anyway tonight tried with the Tuxing 042 twin which also has the gold twin filters and ran it up to 4900 psi on a 6.8 and the 9 liter with no problem. Then I saw this post.
So I can adjust these ? Pic to concur we’re talking about the same thing. If so, how ?View attachment 550177
Yes sir. Do you see the yellow sticker is on the stainless steel thing that looks kind of like a spark plug at the very bottom of twin filters? I think it was a 7/8 inch deep well socket that fit right over that and just crank it in just about a turn probably will do it . I did mine about one and a half. Just turn the outermost hex nut. The deep one

Edit: the blue arrow in the screenshot is a little confusing. It's righty tighty, like on an oxygen or acetylene regulator or air compressor LOL

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Just because the guage has the range doesn't mean it's meant to go that far (like a car speedo that goes to 190 but your governor cuts ignition at 105). You have a lot more faith in Chinese materials and engineering standards than I do. I have the same bov on the 4 cylinder, and it came preset for 3000, when I had some semblence of a convo with tuxing people they didn't suggest going past 300 bar when I wanted 310.

Using a guage with a wider measurement range than you need can help lessen the odds of the bourdon tube in the guage being memory sprung as yours did. You seem to be set on this, best of luck and be careful. Chinesium fails more often than not.
It's not luck my man. It's experience. What do you do after you top your Tanks off with your 4 cylinder compressor? You bleed it off right? If there is a failure that's all that's going to happen. It's going to bleed off . It's just not going to be where you expect it. haven't you had a hose blowout or anything yet? That's probably what's going to blow if anything blows. Those are the weak links after the prv. If you're expecting catastrophe, you're going to be disappointed. It's not going to explode like the space shuttle. But I do have a little bit of faith. It's in the testing of these compressors. They have to be tested at one and a half times their rated pressure. That's 6,750 PSI which is 1,650 PSI under my new limit. My next task is to start walking down that prv to get it to blow closer to that pressure. I think I'll pump it up to 5100 PSI and hold it there, then just start loosening the prv slowly until it blows, then tighten it a quarter turn and call it good.
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Ssgmac, Thankyou
theres just people that are “overly cautious” ( I had to change my original wording)
another poster is criticizing my use of a Gx compressor to it’s design specs.
ahh well….
Speaking of cautious, I'm not sure if you read one of my replies but my next plan is to top of my compressor back off it 5100 or 5200 PSI then loosen the prv until it blows and then tighten it back up a quarter turn and that will be the new set point for me. You might want to consider something similar just so you're still Within a safe zone. Also you know at this higher pressure you're going to have more wear and tear on all your seals and rings and all that kind of stuff so there's that. Make sure you keep the vent on your oil cap
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It's not luck my man. It's experience. What do you do after you top your Tanks off with your 4 cylinder compressor? You bleed it off right? If there is a failure that's all that's going to happen. It's going to bleed off . It's just not going to be where you expect it. haven't you had a hose blowout or anything yet? That's probably what's going to blow if anything blows. Those are the weak links after the prv. If you're expecting catastrophe, you're going to be disappointed. It's not going to explode like the space shuttle. But I do have a little bit of faith. It's in the testing of these compressors. They have to be tested at one and a half times their rated pressure. That's 6,750 PSI which is 1,650 PSI under my new limit. My next task is to start walking down that prv to get it to blow closer to that pressure. I think I'll pump it up to 5100 PSI and hold it there, then just start loosening the prv slowly until it blows, then tighten it a quarter turn and call it good.
My point was exactly that. Experience..... Like knowing how and where to look to adjust a safety blow off valve.

My point isn't to spoon feed people but have them learn, frankly I'm not too concerned with anybody else's gear, wallet or safety but I try to help Increase the amount of critical mechanical thinking if I can.
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