I've been playing with a Condor since late July, just couldnt resist their 4th of July sale.
Late yesterday evening I decided to put the PARD on it to see how it would work for getting some pesting footage. The PARD has been on 3 or 4 different guns, never quite finding a perfect fit, mostly b/c I usually use my guns for field target matches and need what a traditional scope offers over what an electronic scope can do. I don't know that the Condor will ever end up getting shot in an FT match, so this PARD might be just the ticket for it. Certainly is convenient to have the laser rangefinder built in when pesting. And recording was made pretty easy as well.
I am fully aware that my editing stinks. Even this pretty crude video took more time to edit than the shooting that went into it. I don't want to be a youtuber, just made this for fun.
All the shots are from one fill on the Condor, it gets about 40 shots/fill.
Furthest in the video was 119 yards (last one), pretty stiff winds.
I included misses and hits.
Airforce - Air Force Condor review, a case report in how "utilitarian" can be a positive.
Things are coming together!!! On the right is a 10 shot group of NSA .20/18.9s @ 100 yards. 0.145 transfer port power wheel = horizontal 1 and vertical 1 PSI 2050-1800 = 945-965fps (38fpe) On the left is a 20 shot group of JSB .20/15.89 @ 100 yards 0.123 transfer port power wheel = horizontal...

Late yesterday evening I decided to put the PARD on it to see how it would work for getting some pesting footage. The PARD has been on 3 or 4 different guns, never quite finding a perfect fit, mostly b/c I usually use my guns for field target matches and need what a traditional scope offers over what an electronic scope can do. I don't know that the Condor will ever end up getting shot in an FT match, so this PARD might be just the ticket for it. Certainly is convenient to have the laser rangefinder built in when pesting. And recording was made pretty easy as well.
I am fully aware that my editing stinks. Even this pretty crude video took more time to edit than the shooting that went into it. I don't want to be a youtuber, just made this for fun.
All the shots are from one fill on the Condor, it gets about 40 shots/fill.
Furthest in the video was 119 yards (last one), pretty stiff winds.
I included misses and hits.
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