To put things into more realistic numbers or perspective of the difference between 100 & 200 yards, assuming your gun can shoot 1 MOA. I happen to shoot the same 34.9 grain slugs like
@Centercut so numbers are fairly at hand, below is the "frame" or area slugs could land. Wind could and does switch so the table below is worse case when the 5 or 10 mph wind switch direction which does happen, this table is the approximate worse case if your vertical dope is dead on and aiming dead center with wind switching in every direction. If the wind is only 1 direction then the "frame" is half the width and height.
| No wind | 5mph wind | 10mph wind |
100 yards 1 MOA | 1 inch circle | 5.4x2 inch oval | 9.6x3.2 inch oval |
200 yards 1 MOA | 2 inch circle | 19.4x6 inch oval | 37x10 inch oval |
So the hold over for wind at 200 yards is almost 4x as difficult or error is almost 4 times as big as 100 yards. And it gets exponentially bigger as the wind picks up because we are talking about an area, also don't forget other environmental variables that will shift POI by inches. Every yard ranged wrong and every 1 mph wind off can shift POI by inches. And then, assuming your elevation turret has less than 1% error at almost 8-10 mils or 80-100 click for 200 yards vs 2-3 mils or 23-30 clicks for 100 yards.
Hope this highlights the variables that all have to be right to score a first shot hit on a MOA sized target at distance.