Shot 200 yards today for the first time. I know it can be done, but it amazes me that I can do it. 20 shots at 1.1 Mil at 200 yards. H&N Slugs out of a Zbroia Kozak FC550
You know I’ve just never understood this extreme range shooting. I’m not just talking about air rifles but 22 lr and other light caliber powder burners.
I don’t mean to be insulting or critical but I know it’s going to sound that way. Typically an air rifle is used to shoot a relatively small target for sake of discussion let’s say a soda can. What your target shows me is that hitting a target of that size at that distance with an air rifle is going to be pretty much just luck.
Perhaps I’m missing the point here but I just don’t see shooting air rifles beyond 100 yards. Or 22lr beyond 150.
I guess it’s up to the individual to do as he wishes. Some time ago I watched a fellow shoot about 30 rounds out of his big bore at 550 yard. He hit his target once and was happy. Me I found it rather senseless.
I watch some of the YouTube stuff. 2 miles etc. BUT the difference is they have a very limited number of shots and even at that it rarely happens
Anyone else get my point or can you explain how anything is proven other than air rifles suck at 200 yards LOL
You know I’ve just never understood this extreme range shooting. I’m not just talking about air rifles but 22 lr and other light caliber powder burners.
I don’t mean to be insulting or critical but I know it’s going to sound that way. Typically an air rifle is used to shoot a relatively small target for sake of discussion let’s say a soda can. What your target shows me is that hitting a target of that size at that distance with an air rifle is going to be pretty much just luck.
Perhaps I’m missing the point here but I just don’t see shooting air rifles beyond 100 yards. Or 22lr beyond 150.
I guess it’s up to the individual to do as he wishes. Some time ago I watched a fellow shoot about 30 rounds out of his big bore at 550 yard. He hit his target once and was happy. Me I found it rather senseless.
I watch some of the YouTube stuff. 2 miles etc. BUT the difference is they have a very limited number of shots and even at that it rarely happens
Anyone else get my point or can you explain how anything is proven other than air rifles suck at 200 yards LOL
First off, congratulations to the OP. That’s a great first group at 200 yards! And, you actually had the guts to post your group, for that I commend you.
I would like to throw out a challenge. I’m wondering how many guys can shoot MOA at 100 yards with 20 shots… I will guarantee you it would be extremely difficult. Five shots, not that tough, 10 shots under MOA at… very difficult. 20 shots…Close to impossible.![]()
And for BB, who approached this with a very nice attitude Instead of trashing the post. I have shot sub MOA Groups multiple multiple times at 240 and 190.
And it is a whole Lotta fun when you pull it off.
Absolutely fantastic group, and thanks for posting!
When I go to the range and get a 1 1/2 I inch group at 100 yards I am happy, about that time some guys will walk up and ask what am I shooting any I tell them a pellet gun and then let them shot it they are amazed