FX $2000 to spend

I am ordering a new FX in the next few weeks. I have a Dream lite and love it so am for sure buying another FX rifle. I want more power so considering the Crown and M4 rifles. I understand all of the advantages of the adjustment capability of the M4 and overall high ratings. I like the design of both guns equally. One concern is a posting I read here on the site that the M4 has more O rings than the Crown and (at least the poster) was of the opinion the M4 was not as reliable in the long term as the Crown would be. I shoot more than the average person so trouble free longevity is important to me. I am interested it your opinions regarding this issue.
More o-rings and more adjustment knobs on the Impact over the Crown. But in my personal experience I had zero issues with my MkII Impact but have had several Crown 'leakers' (generally from the regulator area). Go figure.

I still love the Crown, especially since the GRS stock seems to fit me perfectly (and the standard stock is no slouch either).

I also have to say that I love the Maverick. Had one in .30 cal, a demo gun tuned by Donnie Reed at Baker Airguns. What a shooter! And I still have my .22 cal I bought used from AoA. It came set up to shoot the 25.4's very well, and as a 'Sniper' model with long barrel (along with that big plenum), it shoots them so smoothly, pleasantly, effortlessly and accurately. I sure would look at the Maverick platform as well.
Depends a lot on what you intend to mostly do with it. Bench shooting, hunting from a blind, woods walking, etc.

I do love my dreamlite compact. So much so that I bought an extra one just to have a backup for many years to come. It's by far my most used airgun. But similar to you, I also wanted more power for some occasions, and so I also got a Wildcat Mk3 in .25 to fill that gap for woods walking hunts. That's another great one that I love. On the FX side I also have an M4 in 22/25 and while it's a great shooter, it just doesn't have the same fizz for me as the others do.
Since you didn't say what your intended use is, I assume you know your mind and have settled on these two. I wouldn't put too much credence in the fact that more oring means more potential problems. It depends on a lot of things that I simply would worry over. I'd buy whichever one you like the best and enjoy it.
I also have to be honest with you. The guns I shoot a lot, seem to keep working better than the ones that spend time in the safe. It seems I pull out a seldom used rifle and have to do some surgery to it. The ones I shoot often seem to never need any babying. Just anecdotal but seems true.
I just wouldn't let the number of orings in a rifle to influence my decision, but that's me.
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Cant go wrong with either, id look more into use and such. I went with Crown for simplicity, less adjustments means easier tuning for me. Im not a tuning wizard so KISS, and I prefer a traditional rifle stock. I LOVE the Crown platform. I now own 2 and looking for 2 more. No desire for an impact but they have their place for sure. Use and preference. Maintenance is always going to be there with any gun.