One thing as I have been looking over it, it has some great potential as always.... The valve is not the same as the BT65 valve, so they will not interchange. The tube is but not the Valve, So if you had an extra tube you would just need to buy an extra valve and install in inside the tube. Its a nice gun case that has space for four tins of pellets which is very nice if you are like me and some times forget to bring enough pellets.
I can not open it up but I can take the air tube off and show you guys the valve. If you were to add an extra valve say to shoot high power non regulated, that's where the power wheel would shine, and that's where it also separates itself from other rifles. You can use a regulated tube which swaps out in a matter of minutes and set the power wheel inline with the regulated tube, or go back to the unregulated tube that's tuned on high power wheel setting.