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Events 2024 AAFTA Field Target Nats Format Clarification

Good afternoon,​

Due to recent discussions and concerns regarding the shooting format for the 2024 AAFTA Nationals, we, the AAFTA BOG, would like to offer some clarification. The 2024 AAFTA Grand Prix Rules, specifically Rules E and F, allow for shooting targets twice before readjusting the course, even if those shots span two days. As a result, it is legal for a match to be held with one shot per target per day instead of the usual two shots per target. Matt Sawyer, the Match Director for the Nationals, has chosen to embrace this format as permitted by the rules.

We understand that changes like this can cause confusion and concern among some of our shooters. Before making any decisions, we carefully consider all suggestions for rule changes and their potential impacts on matches and participants. This thorough process is designed to ensure that our decisions are in the best interest of our shooting sport and its participants.

After discussing the current rule and hearing Matt's preferences, we have decided to allow the use of a hybrid shooting format for the 2024 Nationals. The shooting format will have two 25-lane courses, named Yellow and Blue, with both courses being used on both days by different classes. The Blue and Yellow courses are intertwined, and so the lane numbers will be set up in the following format: Lane 1 Blue Course and the next lane will be Lane 1 Yellow Course, then Lane 2 Blue Course, then Lane 2 Yellow course, and so on until lane 25. The Open and WFTF competitors will shoot 1 shot per target, 2 targets per lane on all 25 lanes each day, totaling 100 shots overall. Hunter shooters will follow the traditional AAFTA format of 2 shots per target, 2 targets per lane, for 15 lanes each day on the course not being used by the WFTF and Open classes, totaling 120 shots overall. For example, Hunter shooters will be assigned the Yellow course lanes 11-25 on Day One and the Blue course lanes 1-15 on Day Two. The WFTF and Open shooters will use the other course on all 25 lanes. In this way, all classes can be accommodated with the hybrid format. Course planning, Troyer rating, and scoring will be kept separate for the different classes, so that the match will conform to the current GP Scoring rules for the GP Championship.
We fully support Matt’s decision to accommodate the shooters who have expressed challenges following the single-shot concept by introducing this hybrid format.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to the BOG at [email protected].

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Good afternoon,​

Due to recent discussions and concerns regarding the shooting format for the 2024 AAFTA Nationals, we, the AAFTA BOG, would like to offer some clarification. The 2024 AAFTA Grand Prix Rules, specifically Rules E and F, allow for shooting targets twice before readjusting the course, even if those shots span two days. As a result, it is legal for a match to be held with one shot per target per day instead of the usual two shots per target. Matt Sawyer, the Match Director for the Nationals, has chosen to embrace this format as permitted by the rules.

We understand that changes like this can cause confusion and concern among some of our shooters. Before making any decisions, we carefully consider all suggestions for rule changes and their potential impacts on matches and participants. This thorough process is designed to ensure that our decisions are in the best interest of our shooting sport and its participants.

After discussing the current rule and hearing Matt's preferences, we have decided to allow the use of a hybrid shooting format for the 2024 Nationals. The shooting format will have two 25-lane courses, named Yellow and Blue, with both courses being used on both days by different classes. The Blue and Yellow courses are intertwined, and so the lane numbers will be set up in the following format: Lane 1 Blue Course and the next lane will be Lane 1 Yellow Course, then Lane 2 Blue Course, then Lane 2 Yellow course, and so on until lane 25. The Open and WFTF competitors will shoot 1 shot per target, 2 targets per lane on all 25 lanes each day, totaling 100 shots overall. Hunter shooters will follow the traditional AAFTA format of 2 shots per target, 2 targets per lane, for 15 lanes each day on the course not being used by the WFTF and Open classes, totaling 120 shots overall. For example, Hunter shooters will be assigned the Yellow course lanes 10-25 on Day One and the Blue course lanes 1-15 on Day Two. The WFTF and Open shooters will use the other course on all 25 lanes. In this way, all classes can be accommodated with the hybrid format. Course planning, Troyer rating, and scoring will be kept separate for the different classes, so that the match will conform to the current GP Scoring rules for the GP Championship.
We fully support Matt’s decision to accommodate the shooters who have expressed challenges following the single-shot concept by introducing this hybrid format.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to the BOG at [email protected].

Jeff, Just a thought. It seems that if Hunter class starts on lane 10 and shoot through lane 25 we will be shooting 16 lanes. Will we be able to throw out our worst lane? ;)
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