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Results 2025 March 9 Sunday CAGC FT Match (Lebanon, CT)

Match Date: March 9th, Sunday – Field Target Match

60 shots - 30 targets – 10 lanes. Two shots per target – 6 shots per lane. No timers.

The following AAFTA classes and rules will be used:
PCP – Combined Open-Unlimited*, Hunter, WFTF
Piston – Combined WFTF-Open-Unlimited*, Hunter
*Unlimited Class (attached bipods, tripods, range finders are allowed)

9:00 AM Sign Up/Open Practice
10:00 AM Shooter's Meeting/Match start

Entry fee: $15 Adults, $5 Juniors or CAG members. Pay Ron D directly.
Must sign a waiver/release of liability form (do once, good for the current year). Eye protection is required.

Highly recommend bringing your own folding chair.
4500 psi 75 cu. ft. air tank will be available for PCP shooters.

Location: Private property of Ron D.
1001 Trumbull Hwy, Lebanon, CT 06249

Please email or text if you are planning on attending.
Contact: Leo Gonzales
e-mail: [email protected]
Cell: (203) 988-4261
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2025 March 9 Sunday FT Match Report
Temperature: 28-43 degrees F
Wind: 2-10 mph, Sunny with high variable shifting winds
10 lanes, 30 targets, 2 shots/target = 60 shots/points total shot near to far
Started 10:00 am, ended 12:30 pm.
15-55 yards, all 1-1/2" and 40mm kill zones.
Average distance: 38.1 yards, Average KZ size: 1 1/2", Course Difficulty: 28.43T with wind factor (13 targets over 40 yards)
CAGC hosted our first match of 2025.
Pete, Leo & Rich helped Ron set up the course on Saturday morning.
It was cold and very windy with mirage. It got windier towards the end.
Holding off in variable wind was very hard. Many times, it switched directions once you made a shot. Waiting for the same wind direction seemed to be work sometimes.
It was a good session to get your wind doping skills and shot timing worked out.
We were happy to welcome Rich G from New Hampshire who help setup the course on Saturday. He did very well. He had not shot any outdoor field target since Arizona Worlds.
All targets had 1-½" kill zones.
Thanks to all that attended and helped clean up the course within 10 minutes. It was another nice day to shoot field target with friends.
Results (7 shooters)
WFTF Piston
40/60 Leo G – Walther LGU, Sightron 10-50x60, JSB 8.4 grains
43/60 Rich G – Steyr LG110, Sightron S6 10-60x56, JSB 8.44
41/60 Chas D – RAW TM1000, Sightron 10-50x60, JSB 8.44 grains
27/60 Pete S – Steyr Challenge, Sightron 10-50x60, JSB 8.44 grains
Hunter PCP
42/60 Alan E – Daystate Wolverine, Falcon 10-50x60, AADFH 10.34 grains
29/60 Tom W – Air Arms S500, Hawke AirMax, JSB 8.4 grains
Hunter Piston
20/60 Ron D – Air Arms TX200, Falcon 10-50x60, JSB 8.44 grains

Next Match: FT Match at Rockville Fish & Game Club – April 13th Sunday
CTAirGunners - Home (weebly.com)
Airgun Field Target - New England Field Target League (nefieldtargetleague.org)

OneDrive - Photos, Course Planner & Results
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