FX .22/600mm FX DRS Classic - a couple of stats...

I'm just getting past the break-in period (about a tin of pellets) with my .22/600mm DRS and starting to look for the best pellet. Looks like the factory tuned to an 18g pellet.

Thought I'd share the numbers for anyone curious about the stability FX DRS.

JTS 18.1g -
A 911fps
H 914
L 910
ES 4
SD 1.7
FPE 33.3
GROUP (5 shots, 40 yards) .358 CTC

AA 18.0g -
A 916
H 919
L 914
ES 6
SD 2.2
FPE 33.5

JSB 18.13g -
A 917
H 921
L 915
ES 7
SD 2.7
FPE 33.8

I found that my DRS groups best with a light/loose hold.

I'm just getting past the break-in period (about a tin of pellets) with my .22/600mm DRS and starting to look for the best pellet. Looks like the factory tuned to an 18g pellet.

Thought I'd share the numbers for anyone curious about the stability FX DRS.

JTS 18.1g -
A 911fps
H 914
L 910
ES 4
SD 1.7
FPE 33.3
GROUP (5 shots, 40 yards) .358 CTC

AA 18.0g -
A 916
H 919
L 914
ES 6
SD 2.2
FPE 33.5

JSB 18.13g -
A 917
H 921
L 915
ES 7
SD 2.7
FPE 33.8

I found that my DRS groups best with a light/loose hold.

Nice shooting. AEA 18.3,s are also great pellets. They group fantastically in my guns.
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My .22 600 Is getting around the same stats , How many shots per fill are you getting ? Im only getting 2 mags before It starts to drop off which Is a little disappointing . I just ordered the SHP plenum kit hopefully when tuned will give me more shots .

Thanks .
I'm getting around 33 shots on a fill.

When compared to a couple of other my PCPs with tube reservoirs, (considering the reservoir volume, and fill pressure) that's pretty much what I expected. Overall I'm happy with the performance of the DRS.

I bought the DRS as a light weight squirrel rifle so shot count was not the prime consideration. Typically, I'll only take a pair of squirrels for the pot and leave the others for another day so it's two shots and I'm good 😉 (my shooting would be really bad if I run out of air 😳)

That being said, I'm planning to detune the DRS (from JSB 18.13/33 FPE) to a lighter pellet and 15ish FPE - mainly to quiet the gun down (as moderators are illegal in Canada) and that should gain me some shot-count as a bonus.

When doing a lot of plinking I use a bottle gun like a Crown which has almost double the air capacity.

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How do you guys tune it?

On the hammer alone (fixed reg setting) or do you tune one the reg + hammer?

Some PCPs ( like my AirArms S510, Daystate Wolverine, Weihrauch HW100) require deep disassembly and/or replacing parts to make adjustments, the DRS doesn't.

The DRS lacks the convenient external access of the other FX PCPs but the adjustments easily are available if you remove the stock.

Some PCPs ( like my AirArms S510, Daystate Wolverine, Weihrauch HW100) require deep disassembly and/or replacing parts to make adjustments, the DRS doesn't.

The DRS lacks the convenient external access of the other FX PCPs but the adjustments easily are available if you remove the stock.

Yes. Im aware of that 😊
But how is it best to tune? With hammer and fixed reg setting or with reg + hammer
Yes. Im aware of that 😊
But how is it best to tune? With hammer and fixed reg setting or with reg + hammer
The ""best" way depends on personal preference 😉

My approach depends on the PCP and what I want to accomplish.

If velocity is close to optimal for the pellet I want to try, I'd start by backing off the hammer spring and then increasing a bit at a time watching for stable flight, good groups, good (consistent) Extreme Spread and Standatd Deviation numbers. Pretty much in that order of importance.

If I'm making major changes to a PCP I know I consult my notes and make an educated guess as to what regulator pressure to start with and, starting low hammer, search for the best tune (same as above). Without direct experience with that particular model I might research or ask for suggestions.

If, with a new PCP, I'm tuning for a substantial change (from current settings) in performance or projectile weight then I prefer to "fingerprint" the airgun and graph the curves to see how the power plant is reacting to the adjustments.

By "fingerprint" I mean that I will test to find the knee of the power curve (for that projectile) for various regulator settings (usually between 100 and 150 bar) while watching for stable flight, good groups, good (consistent) Extreme Spread and Standatd Deviation numbers. By the time I'm done, I have a real good idea of what the PCP likes and where I should start from.

Fingerprinting takes some projectiles, air and time but ultimately it's cheaper and faster that twisting adjustments around hoping to luck into a good combination.

FWIW, My .22/600mm DRS is shooting very well with 18.13 JSBs.

Anyway, that's my approach. Remember, you did ask 🙂

Hope this helps!

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I own several pcps.
My panthera needs to be adjusted due to reg and hammer 98% of max to that reg to get 3-4 fps spread. If I only adjust with hammer on a fixed reg - spread is 30fps.
I own a DRS but barreltube has a fault - so liner is loose inside with both a carbon sleeve and with o-rings.
So I havent had an opportunity to tune it yet since im waiting for new parts.
Yes. Im aware of that 😊
But how is it best to tune? With hammer and fixed reg setting or with reg + hammer

With my Taipans I adjust the HS only. They usually shoot at an optimal speed when using heavy pellets as set from the factory. So I just check the HS for proper adjustment after marking the factory position. I can turn the HS down for lighter pellets and still have good SDs .

The Maverick I adjust for the best performance with my pellets of choice with the reg , HS and if needed hammer weight .

They are 2 different airguns to me . One to enjoy how the manufacturer intended . And one to adjust .
Yes. Im aware of that 😊
But how is it best to tune? With hammer and fixed reg setting or with reg + hammer
Hammer alone isn’t the best idea for anything except a very small window of tuning. Call it fine tuning. Any real tuning is best done by working the reg and hammer tension together.
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Con i 18,13 ( ma anche con i 20,83 sempre JSB) a 40 metri è semplicemente perfetta. Ho montato il plenum SHP. Da un primo test, senza modificare altro, i migliori risultati li ottengo con i 25,39 Monster mentre con i 18,13 ottengo, come è normale, tiri più alti. Continuerò con altri test. Il numero dei colpi per ricarica più i meno uguale ma la potenza entusiasmante. Devo provare soprattutto tiri lunghi.


Recently, I bought a FX DRS 600 mm and for upgrades I bought a large Plenum and slug kit, but in the same ship came the M3 hammer that I order, so for mistake, I put the M3 hammer in the in the DRS and I had a good balance between power and short capacity. I tried my homemade slugs, 23.5 grais at 285 m/s and I had 50 constant shots, with the regulator about 110 bars.

So when I leave my M3 in the office to change the hammer, the guy said to me that was the wrong hammer, so I discover that I was using the M3 hammer at the DRS, after put the right hammer at the DRS a start a New cronografh with the same slugs to find the balance, and I noticed that the DRS hammer are too heavy for my configurations, maybe if I try put it up the regulator and try heavy slugs I can shoot 40 grains slugs at 290 m/s but that’s not my intention. I have others airguns for this weight of slugs.

The Drs original hammer have 11g and the tungsten have 26g, it’s to heavy for my configuration. But the M3 tungsten have 14g, perfect in the DRs
The ""best" way depends on personal preference 😉

My approach depends on the PCP and what I want to accomplish.

If velocity is close to optimal for the pellet I want to try, I'd start by backing off the hammer spring and then increasing a bit at a time watching for stable flight, good groups, good (consistent) Extreme Spread and Standatd Deviation numbers. Pretty much in that order of importance.

If I'm making major changes to a PCP I know I consult my notes and make an educated guess as to what regulator pressure to start with and, starting low hammer, search for the best tune (same as above). Without direct experience with that particular model I might research or ask for suggestions.

If, with a new PCP, I'm tuning for a substantial change (from current settings) in performance or projectile weight then I prefer to "fingerprint" the airgun and graph the curves to see how the power plant is reacting to the adjustments.

By "fingerprint" I mean that I will test to find the knee of the power curve (for that projectile) for various regulator settings (usually between 100 and 150 bar) while watching for stable flight, good groups, good (consistent) Extreme Spread and Standatd Deviation numbers. By the time I'm done, I have a real good idea of what the PCP likes and where I should start from.

Fingerprinting takes some projectiles, air and time but ultimately it's cheaper and faster that twisting adjustments around hoping to luck into a good combination.

FWIW, My .22/600mm DRS is shooting very well with 18.13 JSBs.

Anyway, that's my approach. Remember, you did ask 🙂

Hope this helps!

Try some Slugs in your configura, maybe 18 grains