There’s more to it about match ammo, yes there are serious shooters that will travel just to lot test Eley and I don’t know about Lapua. There are those of us that rely on the name and buy bricks to get hopefully an upper hand on those that won’t spend the money. Even Tenex is the exact same ammo as Match sorted out by Eley. All in all it and Lapua Midas has always tested better than others for me. Then again a brick lasts me awhile.A note about 22LR ammo: if I had a dollar for every new 22LR precision or benchrest shooter and finds out you can’t just place an order for a $200 brick of ammo and shoot tiny groups, … well yeah … I could buy a brick of ammo.
Shooting very accurately with either system is expensive and challenging. With rimfire you are endlessly trying to keep good ammo coming and lot testing and sorting the best stuff from the rest. I have not had much experience with slugs but it seems like if you’re working from your own dies and you get it working, you have a much more manageable situation.
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