.22 Marauder with Malitia Marmot barrel and HUMA regulator 50 yard grp.

Installed the barrel last night (very simple with the help of U-tube) and spent several hours working to a decent chrony string this morning. Still a work in process but have consistent volocity for the 1st 15 shots so I had to get out and test the barrel. Quite a busy time of the year and even forgot to clean the barrel but what a HUGE improvement over the factory barrel. My first 5 shots were within an inch. I hadn't shot this rifle much and it got better as I went. Only a few flyers but I will blame the pellets. It was the worst batch of JSB pellets I ever got. Nearly all the skirts were bent. Here was my best group of the afternoon. I shot several others that less that 1/2 in. I was shooting 15.9 JSB's at 50 yards. If you are having difficulty with your .22 Marauder, I would not hesitate to order this barrel. Once I get this dialed in I will post more groups
[url="http://i.imgur.com/5ztr8rU.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/5ztr8rU.jpg[/img][/url] [url="http://i.imgur.com/M3iJUlV.jpg"][img]http://i.imgur.com/M3iJUlV.jpg[/img][/url]
Didn't change the valve but may in the future. Shooting a little hot about 920 fps. Like to get it under 900 fps to increase the shot count. Getting about 12-15 shots and then I'm off the regulator. I really would like to get around 30 shots. Need to spend a little more time on tuning. I only had a small window today but I am already impressed with the barrel! Got excited so had to post that group. I am just getting started with this rifle so I think I can get it shooting even more consistent. I am not trying to get more muscle out of the rifle; I am happy if I can get around 25 FPE shooting 30-35 shots. If I need more power,I will pull out the Cricket. 
Nice groups! Jim says his barrels need more break in than L.W. barrels so it should only get better with use. Shoot up those bad pellets to break it in and tune it.

Mine should be arriving any day now for my 1st gen regulated. Question: do the stock shroud spacers/ mounts fit the new .50" barrel or do you have to get the ones for the .25 cal as it also has a 1/2 inch barrel?
Thanks for the info! I will try not to forget to put it on. Can't wait to see if mine shoots as good as others are reporting. Mine currently is set up with a Hill valve, gauge block and .160 transfer port (with the barrel drilled to match). A Huma .25 cal regulator with the Hill higher volume gauge block combined give a very large regulated plenum volume for the valve. Its putting out 39 FPE. JSB 18's at 960 and Baracuda's at 920 for 16 shots on the reg. I went for a high power regulated tune and aside from the crappy stock barrel I'm quite happy with it. I may lower the power and tune for more shots with the new barrel though as Jim says his barrels perform best up to about 890 FPS. Besides if I want more power I now have my RAW .25 at 56 FPE. It would be nice to get more shots from the Mrod. 
30cal you will have to post some groups when you get the new barrel. I hear the .25 already shoots well but with the new barrel it could be a tack driver! I plan to work on the hammer throw tomorrow to see if I can get a few more shots . I will most likely replace the valve and transfer port to really get the rifle where I want it.
Although, I have been a little (well a lot) upset with Crosman about this rifle, it has been a tremendous learning experience. I am really starting to understand how these things work. There is so much to learn about shooting these things. I find I can't get enough! LOL. My kids are saying I'm going through a mid-life crisis. Had this rifle been more expensive I may have not had the courage to take on these modifications. 
Hey Doc, if your losing lots of air you might try backing off your hammer spring all the way. With a regulator in place the regulated pressure is a lot less than what it was when you were taking air from the main tube so the hammer energy required to crack the valve is a lot less. A lighter hammer will decrease your air usage as well. Scott ( Motörhead) over on the GTA and Marauder forum just made a batch of his light weight hammers for regulating a rods. Seems like they weighed about half as much as the factory hammer. He's a wealth of knowledge on regulating the mrods. He can also rework your valve so that it will breath easier, at least he used to. 
Thanks guys,
Spent some time last night on tuning and was able to 20 consistant shots but I am still far from the 35 shots that I want. The Hammer throw was all the way in from the factory. I am about half way back but I have had to increase the Hammer spring. Not sure what diection to go. When I backed the throw all the way out I was in the 600's and would have had to crank the spring way up. I may have to look into a new valve and hammer.

I tried to look up Motorhead, does he have a website?

Hey Doc, here is a thread from one of the other great forums on his LW hammers. You can PM him from there or on the GTA. There's a lot of good info on the Marauder forum for you specific gun and project. I have some photos of what I did to my valve when I regulated mine a couple of years ago if you would like them. Another guy on the Marauder forum is Alan McDonald. He is super sharp on regulating these Mrods as well. Both guys are super to work with. You can email me at jimmy_king@oxy.com if you prefer.