22 or 177 for hunting at 15 yards with sub 12 FT/LB air rifle?

Given over sixty years of hunting with .177 and .22 air rifles and pistols, I've come to the conclusion the 24% increase in diameter of the .22 translates into at least as much increase in lethality; of course given enough penetration with either caliber to transverse the vitals. That said, I've shot right through large Texas jackrabbits' chests and brains with 5-6 foot pound air pistols of both calibers. The .22 puts them down quicker and better, with brain or chest shots.

58 yard full-penetration brain shot with the 20 foot pound .22 P-Rod-

58 yd P Rod.jpg

Two yard chest shot with a ONE foot pound Walther PPK .175 caliber BB pistol did the trick-

PPK Mouse.jpg

35 yard chest-shot with a 6 foot pound .22 Co2 pistol = DRT!-

35 yard bunny.JPG

Two to three yard body and head shots delivered semi-automatically with the 6mm Baby Caspian air-soft pistol producing .799901 foot pounds of muzzle energy (per shot!)-

Airsoft rat.JPG

The same caliber and power-level produced an INSTANT kill virtue of a single, well-placed brain-shot to save my drunken brother's life from this giant, charging roach. Not just full penetration; full DECAPITATION!-

Airsoft roach.JPG

The same ballistics do fine when applied to body shots against these man-killers-

Airsoft scorpions.JPG

Given the surgical precision of the red-dot equipped .177 Hammerli 480 producing only 3.99901 foot pounds, I elected to employ brain shots only at 20-30 yards (from offhand)-

Ham 480 doves.JPG

My second book (no longer available)-

AH&S cover.jpg

Its table of contents-

AH&S ToC.jpg

Table of contents of my third book (A Sporting Proposition, no longer available). Chapter title pertinent to this thread is left of the little .177 and 24% larger .22 pellet. Which would you rather be hit with?-

ASP ToC.jpg

My fifth book is still available on Amazon by searching for the title in the 'Books and videos' section. Oh... and $29.99 :oops:

AAP new cover small.jpg

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The british pest controllers using their - only- 6 ft lbs air pistols very effective on small pests inside 15 yards. A lot of them use the crosman 2240, which seems to be a very effective rat killer for barns and gardens. Because of the low energy, very low danger of pass through and a very dead critter if you hit it in the vitals (head, neck, lungs, heart).
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