RAW Rapid 22cal RAW Efficiency

After well over a year of messing with my 22cal RAW, I'm finally done. I'm using a 21" LW 12-groove barrel that Scott machined for me, as I prefer the balance to the longer 23" barrels. I'm using an SSG in conjunction with a TM hammer. The reg is set to 135 Bar. I set it up to shoot MRD Light pellets at 35fpe (about 95% of max energy at this reg pressure), which average 1/2" groups at 50yds. I also swapped out the RAW chassis and MDT buttstock. I'm happy with the final setup.

I did a shot count yesterday. I'm getting 120 shots with an SD of 7 with a 3ksi fill, shooting down to about 125 Bar. Does my shot count seem about right for this power level?


22 RAW.jpg
I wonder how long AG manufacturers will torment consumers with their fatal flaws in PCP internal ballistics. I can't believe that after so many years they haven't introduced SSG, balanced valves, lighter hammer-lighter trigger, plenum, etc.
As GREAT as the Theoben / Raw lineage of PCP's is, they especially seem to just stay with what has always worked with little focus on how much better or more efficient the basic design is capable of :sleep:
As GREAT as the Theoben / Raw lineage of PCP's is, they especially seem to just stay with what has always worked with little focus on how much better or more efficient the basic design is capable of :sleep:
The quality of production is irrelevant, if a modern PCP does not have maximum power and efficiency in addition to quality. Sometimes I want 16J with pellets for FT and sometimes 200+J with slugs for fun and that's all a PCP should have for a simple upgrade. People, tell those engineers in the companies that produce AG that hot water at the tap was invented a long time ago.
The quality of production is irrelevant, if a modern PCP does not have maximum power and efficiency in addition to quality. Sometimes I want 16J with pellets for FT and sometimes 200+J with slugs for fun and that's all a PCP should have for a simple upgrade. People, tell those engineers in the companies that produce AG that hot water at the tap was invented a long time ago.
If saying one execution in design to do it all ? or let state it this way, full spectrum of output built it as delivered ... Not happening IMO.
The design traits of a lower power configuration maintaining efficiency and a low ES DIFFER GREATLY from what design traits a high output requires.

Now parts that one could purchase to do the "Heart & Lung" transplant within a given platform to match up whats best for any giver caliber and power requirements is very doable IMO.
* Problem with that is most folks don't follow or read instructions and would likely make a mockery/mess of placing the correct parts when & where required ... WHAT A MANUFACTURERS HEADACHE !!!!!
Seems like RAW doesn’t need to do much if anything to achieve the accuracy and power goals we want. The legendary RAW reliability and accuracy is why shooters purchase them.

The OP wanted to customize the gun, but we all like to customize our guns! Some of us go to the nth degree to get it just right, but no manufacturer would stay in business providing custom guns for the likes of us!

As far as SSG’s or balanced valves, I’ve not seen real data that shows they have more than a few % benefit over a properly balanced and setup RAW action and regulator. I’m just not sure they‘re worth all the hype.
Ako kažete jedno izvršenje u dizajnu učiniti sve? ili neka se ovako izrazi, puni spektar izlaza izgrađen je kako je isporučeno ... Ne događa se IMO.
Osobine dizajna konfiguracije s nižom snagom koja održava učinkovitost i niski ES VELIKO SE RAZLIKUJU od onih koje značajke dizajna zahtijeva visoka izlazna snaga.

Dijelovi koje bi netko mogao kupiti za transplantaciju "srca i pluća" unutar određene platforme kako bi se uskladili s onim što je najbolje za bilo koji kalibar i zahtjeve snage davatelja vrlo su izvedivi IMO.
* Problem s tim je što većina ljudi ne slijedi ili ne čita upute i vjerojatno bi ismijavali/nered stavljali ispravne dijelove kada i gdje je potrebno ... KAKVA GLAVOBOLJA PROIZVOĐAČA!!!!!

If saying one execution in design to do it all ? or let state it this way, full spectrum of output built it as delivered ... Not happening IMO.
The design traits of a lower power configuration maintaining efficiency and a low ES DIFFER GREATLY from what design traits a high output requires.

Now parts that one could purchase to do the "Heart & Lung" transplant within a given platform to match up whats best for any giver caliber and power requirements is very doable IMO.
* Problem with that is most folks don't follow or read instructions and would likely make a mockery/mess of placing the correct parts when & where required ... WHAT A MANUFACTURERS HEADACHE !!!!!
I have a different opinion, let's imagine a block/action from say an FX Royale 500 that has a balanced valve. It can be made so that all the changes can be done externally, hammer, hammer spring, valve, valve seat, valve needle seat, valve return spring, valve return spring force adjustment, replaceable TP. The new Daystate Black Wolf has two types of valves but it is not as accessible as on the FX Royale.
We'll Agree to Disagree on this ... and that's Ok (y) (y)

One BIG issue .... PLENUM size, high power wants larger, low power wants smaller .... Small sip of air from a low power set up on a large plenum reg may not even reset every shot giving a up/down speed profile between resets/refresh cycles & That's Not good !! Therefor, stuffing a extra large plenum for low power use is a common tuning trick, just as is adding plenum volume for high power when too small of a plenum is present.

Anywho ... just conversation :unsure:
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We'll Agree to Disagree on this ... and that's Ok (y) (y)

One BIG issue .... PLENUM size, high power wants larger, low power wants smaller .... Small sip of air from a low power set up on a large plenum reg may not even reset reg every shot giving a up/down speed profile between resets/refresh cycles & That's Not good !! Therefor, stuffing a extra large plenum for low power use is a common tuning trick, just as is adding plenum volume for high power when too small of a plenum is present.

Anywho ... just conversation :unsure:
I know about the plenum, but it's much easier to make it smaller or larger than to limit it like on the new Black Wolf (about 35 cc). An example is the Epic Two or One which have I think three sizes of plenum.
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If saying one execution in design to do it all ? or let state it this way, full spectrum of output built it as delivered ... Not happening IMO.
The design traits of a lower power configuration maintaining efficiency and a low ES DIFFER GREATLY from what design traits a high output requires.

Now parts that one could purchase to do the "Heart & Lung" transplant within a given platform to match up whats best for any giver caliber and power requirements is very doable IMO.
* Problem with that is most folks don't follow or read instructions and would likely make a mockery/mess of placing the correct parts when & where required ... WHAT A MANUFACTURERS HEADACHE !!!!!
I agree with Scott. There is a reason that RAW is designed and manufactured the way they are and why they are considered bulletproof for their intended applications.
Pardon my ignorance, but can you explain what these are?
SSG is a "Spring Stopping Guide" which is for most a self made anti-hammer bounce devise ;)
TM hammer is the Older style hammer from TM-1000's that are lighter than the supplied HMX-1000 hammers used with the newer rifles ;)
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