2361 yards! A newer WORLD record!

Congrats Scotchmo, I'll have to rewrite my youtube title 😆.
I'm just surprised you didn't put the target another 300yr further to use the full maximum potential of the rifle's physical range 😉
I have Coriolis effect about 0.45 mRad and if I used a left-hand twist, the wind from 7-8h would be nicely compensated for spin drift and I would only be left with the Coriolis effect. Like this, with a right-hand twist, I had to give about 9mRad sideways. I just wrote about it in the article about my new world record, now broken by Scotchmo, for a shooting magazine here in the Czech Republic 😉
Thank you.
My .510 Texan Looks awesome... But no matter what I do it is about 3 moa at100 yards. So at 2056 yards nope... Trying to hit a water jug at 500 real tough.. My .510 is hard to spot impacts at 200-300 yards....
Ya know what… You’d see those impacts a lot better if you were not launching those slugs into the dense forest. 👍
This 600 yard miss was pretty easy to spot. This is my gently modded Texan .510 LSSCF slinging 385gr. Mr. H P at 954fps.

Ya know what… You’d see those impacts a lot better if you were not launching those slugs into the dense forest. 👍
This 600 yard miss was pretty easy to spot. This is my gently modded Texan .510 LSSCF slinging 385gr. Mr. H P at 954fps.

I'm in Pennsylvania its pretty wet....Desert long range shootings makes me jealous😀....Good shooting friend
Already about six months ago, I proposed to agree on the rules that if it is observed there is no reason to doubt the validity of such a record. You can find them here:

The essence is that the rules must enable the availability of the world's most shooters, but at the same time they have sufficient evidence.

The powerful use of the rules of shooting in US competitions with firearms cannot be applied, as this would eliminate virtually all shooters outside the US, as the series of King of 2 Miles are almost organized elsewhere in the world.

This type of individual shoter or shooter group for world record is commonly used in the US for many years and even top shooters like Paul Phillips. So I see no reason why not do the same in Airgun:

Given how few people are to shoot these distances, so agree with those few individuals who have knowledge with this type of shooting and can therefore give valid subjects is complicated and the general shooting public does not comment.

On the thread link mentioned, we also discussed the conditions of world records that are closer to the world records that are shooting at competitions and the agreement was that it was a target of at least 3 hits of 5 (3 hits from continuous shotstring 5 shots).
This type of world record shortens the distances and is therefore less demanding for the appropriate space for shooting. At the same time, this is not the first 5 shots of the day, because it cannot be credibly from the video, but really any 5 shots in a row, when 3 or more of them hit the target. Size target to 2 moa