.25 JSB King Heavy Head Size Sorting Exercise Complete

Just finished several sessions of sorting JSB King Heavy MKII pellets for head size.

For those interested, out of approximately 3,750 dropped through the Pelletgage, one was at 6.35 mm, approximately 250 were at .636 mm, approximately 2,500 were at 6.37 mm, approximately 1,000 were at 6.38 mm, and two were at 6.39 mm.

Based on the above, my guess is that the production floor target head size is 6.37 mm.
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I haven't put so many through the pelletgage, maybe 1k but my findings are that MK2 are a bit smaller than MK1, I've got most MK1 in 6.37 and most MK2 in 6.36

So it obviously depends on the batch as much as on the make.

I remember reading about 10m shooters and how they sort by looks and head size and weight and roll and what not

For 100m or 100y precision we aim nowadays we should do the same

Not to mention mental discipline and training hours 10m shooters put in
Just finished several sessions of sorting JSB King Heavy MKII pellets for head size.

For those interested, out of approximately 3,750 dropped through the Pelletgage, one was at 6.35 mm, approximately 250 were at .636 mm, approximately 2,500 were at 6.37 mm, approximately 1,000 were at 6.38 mm, and two were at 6.39 mm.

Based on the above, my guess is that the production floor target head size is 6.37 mm.
I’ve sorted tens of thousands of pellets. JSB 25 cal predominately falls into 6.37 or 6.38 for 90 percent of stock . Their grain weight varies by as much as 1.12g a tin in that caliber. FX pellets have same parameters. Same deal with 22,30 cal as well. 22 would be 5.55 or 5.54 and 30 cal is generally 7.65 and 7.66 with similar deviation percentages from average. I pass cold winter days doing this watching either wicked tuna episodes or YouTube videos.
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I am currently in the middle of sorting the same 3000 plus pellets by weight within a 10th of a grain lots. My findings are virtually dead on with what Ranger1 has expressed, except from lightest to heaviest in the King Heavy II series the spread is currently 33.18 to 34.80 with the bulk running on the heavy side from 34.20 to 34.60. Very few are actually close (within .20 Gr) of the advertised 33.95 Gr.

It is an interesting exercise.
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