.25 JSB KO MKII's - anyone tried 'em yet?

I picked up a (as in singular) tin of them to test out from PA and plan on using them with my RTI PP. Just curious if any of you have tested or are using them - what kind of a baseline speed might I try to ballpark for? ( I know ... gun dependant, barrel dependant, no two barrels alike, etc .... ) I'm just looking for ball parks -- "they were horrible at anything under 900 - but once over 920 they started to tighten up" / ".... I had 'em going really good up to about 975 then they started opening up - I found anything between 950-970 to be the best" / ".... these things need to go supersonic!! Reg @200 bar, smash the hammer as hard as possible!" / etc ....

Thanks guys . . .
Yeah, I picked up 5 tins. In my Crown MKII they shoot perfect at 890fps in 25 with 600mm barrel. The same could not be said for the KO MK 1's. They usually needed 935 plus, which my Crown cannot do. I had those shooting well out of my Maverick Sniper at 950 to 980fps. The Maverick shoots the MKII's slightly better if any at all with the standard superior liner.
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Yeah, I picked up 5 tins. In my Crown MKII they shoot perfect at 890fps in 25 with 600mm barrel. The same could not be said for the KO MK 1's. They usually needed 935 plus, which my Crown cannot do. I had those shooting well out of my Maverick Sniper at 950 to 980fps. The Maverick shoots the MKII's slightly better if any at all with the standard superior liner.
The RTI is a 600mm barrel too - good to know - thanks.
I’ve had good initial results with the MKII’s. Only tested out to 50 yards so far but groups are far better than any NSA slug - I tried the NSA 29, 29.5, 33.5, 36.2, 38.

Gun: FX Impact M3, 700mm superior heavy liner, pellet probe - shooting the KO MKII’s at 960 fps. Below photo is 3 shot group at 50 yd (inner circle on target is 1” diameter).
