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.25 JSB MK1 or MK2?

The King Heavy shoot well for me @ 100 yards (10shots). I have not tried the MK2 version in my 700mm impact. Which version shoots best out of your STX?

Not sure what the differance is I was told one was made more slud like than pellet,,,,

Not sure which one, My Prophet 25 likes the MK 1s at 920 FPS , Have not tried the MK2s yet,

I have been limited to a 48 yard range , Shooting the MK 1s in 25 caliber has turned me off on a 30 caliber gun, The 25 caliber gun hits hard and very very LOUD at 48 yards, Some of my spinning targets I knock over at times, And i have destroyed some of my targets, They were getting old anyway, LOL.

I’ve been looking at this for months. A while back JSB screwed up and put Mk1 in Mk2 tins, which made it even more confusing. 
The Mk1s have a significantly deeper cavity, thinner skirt and skirt is slightly larger in diameter. The Mk2 has a shallower cavity and thicker skirt. The FX brand heavies are Mk2. 
From what I can gather, the .25 Pellet A liner was designed to shoot the Mi2 which is why the FX pellets are Mk2. In my .25 Impact with Slug A liner the gun like the Mk1s better which is also what Ted discovered in his video. 
I may have forgot which one had the thicker skirts. I ran out of MKIs a good while ago and only have been shooting the MKIIs. I wonder now which ones are better overall. I don't see a detectable difference between my STX and my Superior in .25 cal. shooting JSBs. Only when shooting slugs does the Superior shine more.

I know in .30 cal my STX standard shoots JSBs a lot better than the Slug A does.