Over the past couple weeks I’ve been trying to get the Skout setup to shoot not only 100Y BR, but also Extreme Field Target (EFT).
As discussed above, the gun’s reg was good enough for Benchrest, but not really consistent enough for EFT without refilling every 15 to 20 shots.
I’ve made a modification about two weeks ago to the HP reg, and decided to test it today. I have watched the reg pressure with bottle pressure over the past ten days and it’s been fairly consistent within 50 ish psi from bottle pressure 3500 psi to 2200 psi. I’ve got the HP reg set at about 1775 give or take 25 psi.
So I filled to 3500 psi and shot the gun down to just under 2200 psi. Two magazines of MK2 Heavy .25 pellets at about 940 fps. And over those 50 shots, I had an ES of 9 fps and and SD of 2.1 fps. That’s as good or better than my .25 Red Wolf. Looks like my mod has made a difference.

More testing required, but so far so good…