. 25 uragan

Hiya all. I've recently brought a .25 standard uragan. 

I was wondering if anyone could give me as much info as possible regarding this rifle.

Especially regarding the Reg as I have read somewhere that replacing it with a huma reg is for the best due to creeping?

What's wrong with the original reg? 

I've very new to uragans, so please bare with me.. Plus I'm female 😂

Thanks guys

This topic covers a lot of ground. I started that one but the good info came from others. There are some other good threads out there. Just use the search feature.

My Uragan .25 quickly became my favorite of the many PCP's I've had.

The reg creep is real. One of the seals allows the regulated pressure in the plenum to increase when the gun sits for a while. For me its very slow. The gun would have to still unfired for hours to have any effect on the shot. First shot hits low because the pressure has crept up and too much for the hammer spring setting. After that first shot there is nothing one would notice on my gun. Eventually, I will get a new reg. This is a bigger problem for a hunter, you wouldn't want to waste that first shot and scare the game away. My paper/steel targets generally don't care.

As for the female angle.... We need more women in the hobby so....
Thats a good question. My guess would be that since the bottle pressure is going to higher than the reg pressure (in my 60fpe version and your 12fpe version), it really comes down to how well the reg can hold the pressure back. This isn't a Uragan specific issue although it seems to be happening with many of this stile reg. Its a little different than whats in the Vulcans.

Shoot it for a while. Maybe AGT improved something. Once you are comfortable with the gun it will become easy to tell if the first shot or 2 are shooting in the wrong spot. Ive not touched a 12fpe version
Thank you all for your replies, you've all been really helpful. 

I plan on using the rifle mainly for hunting deer and fox but sometimes only low power is required for small game such as rabbits squirrels ect, but lots of frequent shots so low power more shots in which case the reg creep wouldnt have chance to set in I suppose, but with larger game shots they are fewer and further apart, in which case creep could set in on a critical shot which could result in wounding, which none of us want.

I think I'll have a look into the huma reg but not sure what reg pressure would be required on a huma for low 50's lbs, or for mid 11's lbs. 😁
I installed a huma on my 0.22 for the ease of adjustment and improved plenum size. I did initially have reg creep but on mine that turned out to be a bad outer o ring on the reg and after that it was fine. I've played around extensively with reg pressures to get anywhere from 30-55fpe and was in the 50fpe+ range at about 145bar as marked on the reg scale. Should be able to get there a bit lower in 0.25.

BTW make sure you balance the hammer and reg at whatever power you choose - the uragan is probably the most consistent gun I've ever shot velocity wise when they are balanced, and it's extremely easy to get it in harmony. The extreme spread does however go up dramatically if adjusting down with just the hammer spring.
It was one of the 2 orings on the outer body of the reg. I honestly have no idea what size they are - I just grabbed two orings that matched reasonably well out of a bag of random spares and replaced both 🤷‍♂️

The ones I used were ever so slightly thicker than the OEM ones, so that might have helped seal a bit better but I doubt it. Other guys have had creep coming from imperfections in the delrin seat (either JCD above or zx10wall - can't remember offhand).

My huma is marked from 70-150bar. It arrived having accidentally been set a full turn lower than the marked pressures, so probably in the region of 40- 50bar. Apart from the initial frustration of bizarrely low velocity relative to what I thought the reg pressure was it still performed very consistently.