.25 vs .22 mostly bird hunting.

Hey guys first post but I am not new to Airguns. I spent a lot of time and money in springers and had a lot of fun. It’s time for me to get to the pcp world. 
I shot my friends Daystate in .22 at pigeons this last week and made constant kills at 80 yards stretching once to 104 yards. It was a lot of fun. We shoot around a lot of metal buildings and cows. If you hit the target with the .22 a lot of times it traveled through but would not penetrate the metal behind it. 
My question is will a .25 ? I would like to extend my range for the really smart ones but not if it will go through the metal if I hit it. 
Anyone tried this ? 
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 A heavy .22 grain pellet can shoot through a 2x4, so yeah, try not to miss a lot Imissalot, .25 more so. Your screen name is hilarious! People who normally respond with, "Well [insert screen name here]" won't because it sounds like a confession which negates the advice. If you get a buddy to join the forum continue the theme with the screen name Iamabadshot! Too funny, thanks for the laugh. 
"Imissalot" I almost thing the .25 is too big, but for the long range side of it, I can’t get it off my mind! 

.25 is quite a jump from .22. You can really tear stuff up >> critters, your back-stop, etc :D

Tons of fun. Get ready to say "WOW" a lot. I mean like every time you pull the trigger LoL

My advice: get a .25 and let your friend with the .22 take the shots that are closer and/or might cause damage and you take the shots that have a clear view beyond the target :)

Good luck with whatever you choose!

A .22 is more than adequate.....my Streamline 22 is great, especially with the power wheel for adjusting down to 20 and even 10 ft.lbs.

But I love my 25 caliber. Its all high power so there are shots I can't take due to metal backgrounds that can't be damaged. Unless I'm at the one farm where the farmer doesn't care.

If I could trade both the Wildcat and Streamline for one gun, it would be the Bobcat 25 MKII. Bigger caliber but with a low power setting if needed.

I love both my guns though, each has their role. I love my Wildcat 25 for shooting pigeons, woodchucks and skunks, and for the windier days. 

I love the Streamline 22 for it's versatility, higher shot count, and it is ultra quiet with DonnyFL suppressor on it.

There are so many choices though. It's hard to have one gun be everything you want or need.
Oh.....I've done plenty of shooting inside a barn with metal walls. Even a 50 yard shot with a 22 will go through a pigeon and make a hole in the metal.....I have video to prove it. ;-)

I've also shot pigeons with the 25 caliber that did not make a hole. Depends a lot on where you hit them. If you drill them in the meat/thick part of the body, chances are that will slow the pellet enough to not have a pass through of the background.

But hit them in the head, neck or crop, and youre likely to make a hole in the wall. There are no guarantees with any of this though.

Also be aware of deflections. The pellet can hit a bone and be redirected easily by 10 degrees, and if it carries enough velocity, it can still injure an animal, cause damage to a car, etc.
"Imissalot"Most of the shooting I would be doing is out the truck window. That has me leaning to the crown for overall support and making sure I can keep the barrel away from the mirrors. 
The impact interests me in that it is easier to move around in and out of the pickup. 
I do like that you can switch the barrel on the impact and make it a .25 or .30.
You can switch the caliber on the crown as well. You do know that the impact is shorter than the crown on average. Making it easier to maneuver while in the vehicle. I don't see where the crown would excel out of a vehicle over the impact.
I bought the Wildcat in .177 for pesting. It shoots about 20 fpe. And trust me, it can take any bird. It will knock a squirrel right off the branch. Don't under estimate the power of .177 and a well placed shot. I've killed tons of squirrels with a heart shot or head shot. 
And to speak for its sound level, I was shooting my box full of rubber mulch backstop a few days ago. Sitting at my bench and shooting, I notice movement with the left eye (yes I shoot with it open). There was a squirrel coming down the fence to eat the seeds on the ground about 10 yards from me and about 15 yards from the target. He never heard the gun.

Give yourself a look at 177 if you haven't already decided on the 22. It is the quietest by far. Especially with a DonnyFl moderator.

Good luck on getting exactly what you want.
