N/A .25 vs .30 bullpup

Sorry I misread the means of what you wanted there somehow. I wholeheartedly agree with @Bander124 I don't own or shoot .25 for that reason. My buddy does and if I need a rifle I'll borrow his but, I prefer not to.

That being said, .30 may be an airport, but it's not without good reason. Unless you're pesting in large open areas you're going to go through that much ammo. My Vulcan 3 .30 500mm (31" OAL no mod) gets me between 50 and 60 shots from 300b to 150b and it shoots 44.7gr pellets between 870 and 880fps.

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She's a beauty, know why you decided to keep. WM
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"However if I was starting all over and sold off everything I’d just do .25. It’s versatile enough to not justify owing a .22 or .30. This assumes hunting or pesting is the goal not paper punching."

I agree with Bander, to the point I'm getting rid of my last .22. I only hunt "digger" (ground) squirrels here, and the occasional collared dove, not to mention the thankfully rare skunk that I can get before the dogs.

I've got a .25 Vet 1 Compact. Does 798 fps with JBS 33.95 and 885 fps with JBS 25.39. I shoot the 33.95's since they are the most accurate, only get about 28 shots at that level. I carry it in my small Toyota pickup and carry it when I am out and about on the place. Talon Tunes has a couple of the .25 Caliber Compacts left: https://talonairguns.com/product/taipan-veteran-25-compact/

I've got a Uragan 2 700mm in .25 that I use primarily for stand hunting. It's a bit bulky and heavy to carry all over, but man can it reach out. Longest kills have been 140 yards and that's a bit difficult due to the tree branches that I have to weave the pellets through due to the arc of the pellets. It's preferred pellet is AEA 29.5 grain (doing around 1,000 fps).

Don't listen to JaceSpace, all was fine until I read some of his posts and now I have to have a .177.
If you can find one, an Edgun R5.30 Standard. Rare as hell. Mine was short with the 18” barrel. Shot 44gr pellets at 885fps and got around 30 shots per 250bar fill. I think the Huma reg it had was set to 127bar. Longest ground squirrel was 155 yards.

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WOW That's absolutely beautiful. Besides the power in such a Compact package.
Did you have one in .30 cal also ? It looked pretty impressive and didn't hear much ping at the factory power level in the video. Were you shooting at increased power levels or did it ping no matter what ? I know you've tried a bunch . Have you found that one you won't get rid of ? Probably longer than Dairyboy was looking for anyway. The 30 cal was getting 45+ shots at 92.5 fpe .
No, I did not. Maybe the ping on the .30 isn't so prevalent due to the gun being louder. The .22 was so quiet you could hear the ping loud and clear.

Honestly if my job called for it, I would keep the Vulcan 3 .30 or the Uragan 2 .30 (don't have it). I wish I would've never sold my impact mk2. Ever since I traded it, I've been trading guns like a mad man. The K1 .25 is amazing, it's short, and can put out a ton of power. I was able to push 47gr to 963 out of the one I had. And the 38.5gr .254 nsa were it's favorite printing clover leaf groups at 140yds
She's a beauty, know why you decided to keep. WM
Thank you! My issue now is that it's too much gun, I have to be WAY more cognizant of my surroundings when going to shoot iguanas, so now it's an occasional gun, and so the gun would mostly sit and I don't like having guns that sit, so it's currently on the classifieds.
Did you replace your U1 .177 for something else?
Nop I posted for sale just because I wanted to try the Epic ONE , but it really made no sense to sell a awesome shooter that cheap. So I decided to keep it, I found a great .25 in the last version of the taipan 1. That was the only thing I didn't have, a good shooting. 25 .. So for now I'm out of buying anything else
Nop I posted for sale just because I wanted to try the Epic ONE , but it really made no sense to sell a awesome shooter that cheap. So I decided to keep it, I found a great .25 in the last version of the taipan 1. That was the only thing I didn't have, a good shooting. 25 .. So for now I'm out of buying anything else
Gotcha, glad ya kept it and found something else!
I don't like the rear cocking levers on bullpups but that's not a huge concern or hinder. Plus I like custom one offs. Here's my bullpup. I can go .25/.30/.35 from the same platform. I custom fit the Bighorn to the PB stock. Waiting on a custom 250bar CF tube to finish the build and lighten things up.

Other than this rifle the only bullpup that has my attention is the Wildcat Tube version. Can't remember who posted this recently but I fell in love at first sight.
Thank you! My issue now is that it's too much gun, I have to be WAY more cognizant of my surroundings when going to shoot iguanas, so now it's an occasional gun, and so the gun would mostly sit and I don't like having guns that sit, so it's currently on the classifieds.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully will end up with someone who'll be able to enjoy more fully. Really enjoy mine but also cognizant of power behind the ammo. MORA, V3 HP and maybe even new Air Venturi Avenge-XL platforms are all off the table for same reason. WM
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Sorry to hear that, hopefully will end up with someone who'll be able to enjoy more fully. Really enjoy mine but also cognizant of power behind the ammo. MORA, V3 HP and maybe even new Air Venturi Avenge-XL platforms are all off the table for same reason. WM
If it weren't for the fact that the only available slug for it, that mushrooms rather quickly is the hybrid I would potentially use it more often, at a lower power level. Varmint knockers makes really soft slugs but the cavity for the .30 is not like the cavity for the other calibers he makes.
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