N/A .25 vs .30 bullpup

If it weren't for the fact that the only available slug for it, that mushrooms rather quickly is the hybrid I would potentially use it more often, at a lower power level. Varmint knockers makes really soft slugs but the cavity for the .30 is not like the cavity for the other calibers he makes.
V3 doesn't like pellets, but, as you can see, U2's balanced valve system shoots 44.75s just fine. Leaving slugs for V3 but using pellets in U2, as they shed energy quicker. Being cognizant of pass-thru trajectory still good for crows. WM
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V3 doesn't like pellets, but, as you can see, U2's balanced valve system shoots 44.75s just fine. Leaving slugs for V3 but using pellets in U2, as they shed energy quicker. Being cognizant of pass-thru trajectory still good for crows. WM
Have you tried the AEA 66gr pellets? For how much power your V3 is putting out, it would likely be a great choice. Mine is just a 500mm putting out 82ish fpe
I will send you to the sunroof:

Daystate Delta Wolf.

Buy the .25 Cal and you can change to .30 Cal buying the kit. You switch calibers in 3 minutes and decide buy playing with the screen at what speed you want the specific ammo you will use.

Easier?.... Imposible.

The accuracy is top and power to take anything you want.

Just ask AoA to change the bottle for a 700 cc one, so you can have as many shots per fill as you won't ever shot in a hunting trip.
Have you tried the AEA 66gr pellets? For how much power your V3 is putting out, it would likely be a great choice. Mine is just a 500mm putting out 82ish fpe
V3 and U2 shoot variety of .300 slugs well in 800s fps for 59-61.5 grain range (ZAN, Javelin, AVS and Wildmans.) Slugs outside of 59-61.5 range, not so well. Favorite crow hangout trees, 100+ yards out, with misses and pass-thrus going into swamp, were taken out by hurricane-force winds this past summer. New crow hangout trees, to the northwest, have misses and pass-thrus towards residential areas, therefore out-of-bounds. V3 now mainly for target work but U2/44.75s are back in line-up, always cognizant of misses/pass-thru trajectories. WM
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The .30 in the pic I posted is 31" without a moderator. If you really wanted something short in a .30 you could get a 16" LW .30 and use it in the Compact platform. The Compact shroud can actually contain up to a 510mm / 20" barrels. The compact in the pic currently has a 20" LW .177 barrel.

The RTI Arms Shop advertises a LW 20" .30 barrel but they are Pre-Order..been that way for over a year..so not holding my breath.

If you can't find a good used P1, you could purchase a "naked" P1 from the RTI Arms Shop and roll-your-own. I'm currently working on a project that will end up being a little over 26"..moderator included.
One gun that hasn't been mentioned yet is the AirMaks Krait. It seems that they have resolved the regulator issues that earlier models had. The .22 can sling 25 gr pellets up to 44 ft/lbs. That's almost as good as my .25 Compact Vet I. 865 fps with 25 gr JSBs=41.55.

I'm not sure what the .25 Krait can deliver. Maybe someone reading this thread can chime in.
The .30 in the pic I posted is 31" without a moderator. If you really wanted something short in a .30 you could get a 16" LW .30 and use it in the Compact platform. The Compact shroud can actually contain up to a 510mm / 20" barrels. The compact in the pic currently has a 20" LW .177 barrel.

The RTI Arms Shop advertises a LW 20" .30 barrel but they are Pre-Order..been that way for over a year..so not holding my breath.

If you can't find a good used P1, you could purchase a "naked" P1 from the RTI Arms Shop and roll-your-own. I'm currently working on a project that will end up being a little over 26"..moderator included.
The Prophet is definitely on my list. I had a compact years ago I really enjoyed. I'm fine with up to 36" OAL for a bigger caliber compared to my usual lengths as I understand the limitations. On the usual 30fpe .22 doesn't make a difference. I didn't know the P1 was still available. Might need to check that out. I also wouldn't be against a P1 with a LR barrel either in .22
Hey Dillon what are you gonna be pointing the larger caliber peashooter at?
Just being curious/nosey 🤓
Honestly would just be pigeons and occasional squirrel. I know I seem to want to go with something bigger than .22 but can't really see the need. BUT I think the WANT is growing.
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One gun that hasn't been mentioned yet is the AirMaks Krait. It seems that they have resolved the regulator issues that earlier models had. The .22 can sling 25 gr pellets up to 44 ft/lbs. That's almost as good as my .25 Compact Vet I. 865 fps with 25 gr JSBs=41.55.

I'm not sure what the .25 Krait can deliver. Maybe someone reading this thread can chime in.
I'll need to checkout the Krait. Have heard great things about them.
.25 is fast becoming my favorite caliber for airguns (namely the JSB King Heavy). In the 6 years I've been into airgunning, I really liked the .22 and my eyes always rolled back every time I see someone says that the .25 "smacks" harder than a .22. I've always thought that a kill is a kill. While I still believe that there is nothing a .25 can kill that can't be killed with the .22 as well (in the context of airgun hunting), the .25 is just noticeably more efficient at killing varmints than the .22. Even just at my 30 meters shots, the .25 just gives me this certain confidence in the shots. I can't quantify it... it's just the way I feel.

I've never shot a .30 caliber airgun but from reading other people's comments on it, for the way I'm using my rifles (suburban varmint rifle) I feel the .30 might be way too much gun for my environment. The .25 is already borderline for me. I feel that if I need to take something out that can't be taken with a .25, I would just grab a firearm... maybe a .22LR or a 5.56mm.
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.25 is fast becoming my favorite caliber for airguns (namely the JSB King Heavy). In the 6 years I've been into airgunning, I really liked the .22 and my eyes always rolled back every time I see someone says that the .25 "smacks" harder than a .22. I've always thought that a kill is a kill. While I still believe that there is nothing a .25 can kill that can't be killed with the .22 as well (in the context of airgun hunting), the .25 is just noticeably more efficient at killing varmints than the .22. Even just at my 30 meters shots, the .25 just gives me this certain confidence in the shots. I can't quantify it... it's just the way I feel.

I've never shot a .30 caliber airgun but from reading other people's comments on it, for the way I'm using my rifles (suburban varmint rifle) I feel the .30 might be way too much gun for my environment. The .25 is already borderline for me. I feel that if I need to take something out that can't be taken with a .25, I would just grab a firearm... maybe a .22LR or a 5.56mm.
Yeah the more I think about it .25 seems to probably be my best bet.