Something else is off. If you increase the micro, are you gaining speed or are you stuck at 700fps? And the other way around, if you decrease the micro, are you loosing speed (or gaining?!)? When you installed the tungsten hammer, did you also install rubber ball to valve adjuster? Maybe your tungsten hammer is overhitting your valve and hammer bounce is slapping the valve close (though I don’t really see how that could happen in an impact…).So now i know a lot more. The fault is not the chrony or so. Its zhe barrel itself. I just measured the walter dominator where i knew its shooting at about 700fps. And it shoots at 700fps as my chrony said.
So now the fault could be the barrel.
Checked my o-rings they r fine
Shooting again with those settings
Macro: 16
Micro: 3.7
Valve: 1,5 turn after line 4
Again i am under 700fps
Switched the liner from the 1:18 to the standard liner
Again under 700fps
Can the oring in the dual transferport be the problem?
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