If given the choice which one would you guys choose , 3 good pcp (good enough to get the job done ) .177, .22, and .25 for a total of $1,500 or one VERY good pcp (high end Quality materials) .25 for the same price $1,500 ?
Background , new to the pcp world , I do hunt, but my range of targets are 25-50 yards , maybe 75 yards MAX .
(To clarify : small games size from squirrels , rabbits , raccoon size 30 pound max )
thank you guys in advance for your tips and thoughts
Background , new to the pcp world , I do hunt, but my range of targets are 25-50 yards , maybe 75 yards MAX .
(To clarify : small games size from squirrels , rabbits , raccoon size 30 pound max )
thank you guys in advance for your tips and thoughts