Hi Guys, I recently purchased an FX Panthera HC in .30. Got the 10 for 10 from Pyramyd & upon reading it they ended up using 44 grain jsbs & got about an average of 67 FPE of energy. (They had the reg set @ 100 bar)..Since then I decided to turn up the regulator to around 140 then 150 & am now getting around 85-90 FPE with 50 gr's sligs hitting @ around 880-900fps... The gun seems to like slugs better than it does pellets even though it does have a small barrel I've added an impulse 1350 moderator with an extra cone insert as well as the non tapered extension piece so it lines up directly with the barrel flush from A of A. Getting about a clip to a clip and a half with the regulator @ 150.. have a couple questions about using a bigger bottle on the front. I don't want to make the gun too heavy but I would like some more air on hand while using the foldable stock option that I use. Any suggestions would help me as to a 480cc, 580cc or even 700cc bottle? Also I know that it says that 250bar is max on these guns.. but I've heard of people going up to 300bar with the new FX bottles.. (just don't know how safe that is!) also would like to know if I NEED the tungsten hammer and heavier spring kit to get the velocities/power that were advertised for this particular gun which the energy report from FX is 107 FPE. So I'm looking for another 20 or so FPE... Also I've never have installed such item/s and then wondering how hot it would be to install. I'll post a couple pictures and having a hard time downloading my chronograph measurements to my phone for some reason but I can come up with the shot string as well hopefully. Basically what I'm looking for is obviously high as shot count and highest power for this will be used for dispatching coyotes. I currently have just a Trijcon Mro Red Dot the top of it but will be soon running a ffp Vortex 3-15X50 on it with high rings. Then we'll be using a 90° angle Weaver picatinny for the Red Dot just in case something is closer. All/most hunting that will be done will be (150 yards max)...Any questions comments and concerns I greatly appreciated. Goal is to get This rifle gets rather long really quick once adding a moderator in folding out the stock all the way goes from 26 inches I believe folded without moderator to 42 or so inches completely folded out all the way out and with moderator on. But I will tell you this this particular moderator is stupid quiet! I also like it because it's made in the USA unlike some other companies. Thanks, Surefire!