You should try it. It is amazing how hard it is to pick out the bull at 40 yds with all the miraging.
Oh I forgot to mention that my wife was out of town, so I could move furniture in the bedroom to do the shooting. She gets back tomorrow so my warm sniper hide is going away.
Greg, it’s funny how we hide our airgun adventures, deliveries and “occasional rare” purchases from our better halves.
Funny story.. when my wife was working a few years back, I had the guys from Audio Advice ( high end audio/ video local boutique dealer) secretly deliver a brand new 75” Sony Bravia 4K TV. I had a 65” Panasonic on my wall.
The guys came over early and got everything configured and hooked up with my system , and left around 5:30 pm. They swapped the old TV and replaced with the new 75”. I them do some other stuff and they wrapped everything up and left. I double checked everything in the house for any ‘evidence’ that was left to foil my secret purchase. I get excited just retelling the story. Everything was perfect, I told myself. She’ll never find out!
She came home and I made a really good home made dinner, just what she needed. She didn’t even notice the new TV. I was so proud of myself for being so methodical in my cover up.
After dinner, we were watching the news and getting ready to watch something on NAT Geo, in 4K. I could not wait to see the beautiful Sony colors and black levels.
All of a sudden, I felt sick. Like I did when my Dad asked me if I was telling a lie when I was little. I had forgotten that the new TV was 10” bigger than the 65” Panasonic. She turned to me and said with a very puzzling look on her face, “ there’s something different about the TV?” I punted and said, “I don’t notice anything different.” After a few more exchanges, she said “the TV looks bigger.” I stood my ground. “ Nope, same TV.”
Two weeks later she brings me into the attic and walks me over to the giant Sony TV box that I forgot to hide in the attic. “Does this belong…. TO THE NEW TV you bought a couple of weeks ago……TOM!!!”

The jig was up! I finally confessed and she was mad. After an hour she started laughing and could not believe the lengths I went to ‘hide’ my new unauthorized purchase for a new TV that we didn’t need. She said, “this reminds me of the incident years ago when Thomas ( our son) was 7, and he asked, “Daddy why is the TV screen saying welcome to Lexicon?” Lexicon was a high end UK Pre/pro audio-video processor that mysteriously found it’s way into the audio cabinet.
Moral of the story. Go to the weekly addiction meetings and get help like I did.
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