I think you are joking but if I try to shoot in significant wind I sometimes hold off a little to account for the wind drift. Sometimes that helps but I think other times it may hurt. So if I'm not sure, I just forget holding off and aim for the center.
Today I waited until 6:30p, not really no wind but low wind. Officially they said we had 8mph winds today but it gets quieter shortly before dark. Knowing the wind was low I looked at the flags some but just shot for the bullseye. Shot my best target with my less than 2 week old Caiman, a 197 12X. It's essentially equivalent to my best so far this year but technically the P35-22 got one more X. Anyway, I'd like this to replace the 194 on the leader board. I was using my Arken EPL-4 6-24 set at 24X. I was shooting H&N Baracuda 18s (straight from the tin and through the magazines) and sending them at an average of 884 fps. Interestingly I shot with everything the same yesterday except the speed was about 860 and I shot a 191. I don't think that was all the speed difference but some of it might be. I'll probably try going a little slower next. I've wanted to shoot 875 but I've had trouble getting the hammer spring set to exactly that. It's a pivoting hammer and very touchy. My ES's have improved but they varied over 25 fps (that's less than half what it was varying when I got it) on this target so messing with the hammer and firing a few shots can give me a mis-impression of where it's set. Anyway, it's nice to get the new gun shooting pretty well. It's also nice to have a gun that likes $8/tin pellets. I tried JSB 18s in my initial screening but they were from a sample tin. I just got delivery of a "real tin" and will try them again. I don't want them to beat out the Baracudas but I also want to know what the gun really prefers.
Today I waited until 6:30p, not really no wind but low wind. Officially they said we had 8mph winds today but it gets quieter shortly before dark. Knowing the wind was low I looked at the flags some but just shot for the bullseye. Shot my best target with my less than 2 week old Caiman, a 197 12X. It's essentially equivalent to my best so far this year but technically the P35-22 got one more X. Anyway, I'd like this to replace the 194 on the leader board. I was using my Arken EPL-4 6-24 set at 24X. I was shooting H&N Baracuda 18s (straight from the tin and through the magazines) and sending them at an average of 884 fps. Interestingly I shot with everything the same yesterday except the speed was about 860 and I shot a 191. I don't think that was all the speed difference but some of it might be. I'll probably try going a little slower next. I've wanted to shoot 875 but I've had trouble getting the hammer spring set to exactly that. It's a pivoting hammer and very touchy. My ES's have improved but they varied over 25 fps (that's less than half what it was varying when I got it) on this target so messing with the hammer and firing a few shots can give me a mis-impression of where it's set. Anyway, it's nice to get the new gun shooting pretty well. It's also nice to have a gun that likes $8/tin pellets. I tried JSB 18s in my initial screening but they were from a sample tin. I just got delivery of a "real tin" and will try them again. I don't want them to beat out the Baracudas but I also want to know what the gun really prefers.
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