Last day of shooting targets for this week, heading out of town.
Shot two 30Y Masters cards and three 40Y cards; 2 of those 40Y cards were challenge cards and one Masters. The Masters needs an explanation. I forgot I was shooting a 40Y Masters and accidentally crossed out two pairs of bulls. If you add those back in, it was a 185 Masters. See card #5. The wind got me good, or......I just sucked. Ha ha....
Got my new Athlon Heras scope, and it took me one shot to get on paper and two or three more to zero at 30Y. Nice and clear, good glass from Japan, and price is good. I mounted it on the RAW HM1000X .22 HP for today. I was pleasantly surprised with nice crisp Elevation and Windage audible clicks as I was getting a zero for both 30 and 40Y. Field of view is a little small for me, but I'm finicky and like a big sight picture. No complaints. What a difference as I zoomed in to 35X magnification, and it does make a considerable difference on my hold aim points. I can actually see the rings very clearly now.
I am extremely happy with the consistent shot string spreads for the RAW. I did not document the shot by shot FPS, but I have it saved on my Garmin. It was right around 950-953 most of the time. ES was excellent after 22 shots or so. I have not had "any" card yet in two years that had 17X's, so I am more happy about that then the score.
RAW HM1000X .22 HP Leaderboard Submissions:
30Y Masters - 197-17X ( The # 10 left bull was a close 9, but I included a picture with the scoring plug )
40Y Masters - 185-5X
Shot two 30Y Masters cards and three 40Y cards; 2 of those 40Y cards were challenge cards and one Masters. The Masters needs an explanation. I forgot I was shooting a 40Y Masters and accidentally crossed out two pairs of bulls. If you add those back in, it was a 185 Masters. See card #5. The wind got me good, or......I just sucked. Ha ha....
Got my new Athlon Heras scope, and it took me one shot to get on paper and two or three more to zero at 30Y. Nice and clear, good glass from Japan, and price is good. I mounted it on the RAW HM1000X .22 HP for today. I was pleasantly surprised with nice crisp Elevation and Windage audible clicks as I was getting a zero for both 30 and 40Y. Field of view is a little small for me, but I'm finicky and like a big sight picture. No complaints. What a difference as I zoomed in to 35X magnification, and it does make a considerable difference on my hold aim points. I can actually see the rings very clearly now.
I am extremely happy with the consistent shot string spreads for the RAW. I did not document the shot by shot FPS, but I have it saved on my Garmin. It was right around 950-953 most of the time. ES was excellent after 22 shots or so. I have not had "any" card yet in two years that had 17X's, so I am more happy about that then the score.
RAW HM1000X .22 HP Leaderboard Submissions:
30Y Masters - 197-17X ( The # 10 left bull was a close 9, but I included a picture with the scoring plug )
40Y Masters - 185-5X
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