30-Yard Challenge

Last day of shooting targets for this week, heading out of town.

Shot two 30Y Masters cards and three 40Y cards; 2 of those 40Y cards were challenge cards and one Masters. The Masters needs an explanation. I forgot I was shooting a 40Y Masters and accidentally crossed out two pairs of bulls. If you add those back in, it was a 185 Masters. See card #5. The wind got me good, or......I just sucked. Ha ha....

Got my new Athlon Heras scope, and it took me one shot to get on paper and two or three more to zero at 30Y. Nice and clear, good glass from Japan, and price is good. I mounted it on the RAW HM1000X .22 HP for today. I was pleasantly surprised with nice crisp Elevation and Windage audible clicks as I was getting a zero for both 30 and 40Y. Field of view is a little small for me, but I'm finicky and like a big sight picture. No complaints. What a difference as I zoomed in to 35X magnification, and it does make a considerable difference on my hold aim points. I can actually see the rings very clearly now.

I am extremely happy with the consistent shot string spreads for the RAW. I did not document the shot by shot FPS, but I have it saved on my Garmin. It was right around 950-953 most of the time. ES was excellent after 22 shots or so. I have not had "any" card yet in two years that had 17X's, so I am more happy about that then the score.

RAW HM1000X .22 HP Leaderboard Submissions:

30Y Masters - 197-17X ( The # 10 left bull was a close 9, but I included a picture with the scoring plug )
40Y Masters - 185-5X







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i went out and shot two more cards today . i did pretty good . The Vulcan is a frigen lazer!

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Greg, your back-to-back cards with your 700mm .22 Vulcan 3 are as good as I can recall seeing here back-to-back.

Can you share a bit more info on your Vulcan? Pellet used - velocity? Scope used - magnification setting?

I can’t recall seeing a Vulcan on our Leaderboards before, so we all want to know more about the rifle. Yep, its a laser!!

We collect a lot of data - hoping it will help fellow shooters make good purchase and tuning decisions as we all pursue accuracy.


Greg, your back-to-back cards with your 700mm .22 Vulcan 3 are as good as I can recall seeing here back-to-back.

Can you share a bit more info on your Vulcan? Pellet used - velocity? Scope used - magnification setting?

I can’t recall seeing a Vulcan on our Leaderboards before, so we all want to know more about the rifle. Yep, its a laser!!

We collect a lot of data - hoping it will help fellow shooters make good purchase and tuning decisions as we all pursue accuracy.


That's some fine shooting Guy's!
I haven't done anything to the gun other than play wit the hammer spring . When I ordered the gun I asked Tony from Talon Tunes to set the plenum for the smaller volume of air .I am shooting JTS 18 grain 965. I have a bunch of scopes .It has a Hawke Sidewinder8-32×56 on it now .I use a swing out single feed loader from Orion not because I think that it is more accurate but I got use to loafing after each shot from when I shot rimefire . I like to make the gun heavy so I like a heavy scope with high magnification .I don't spend a lot on scopes . I have 2 sidewinder. The other is a 10-50 x60. I Also have some Vector Sential 10-40x50 I like second focal plane with fine cross hair or dot . Can see from the pictures of my guns that I add weight to the rail under the gun .I shoot off a front bag and set the stock on a Top Dog adjustable rear rest. The Vulcan has a great reg with very good FPS consistency. The JTS pellets are all hat I use I shoot on nice days with good conditions
My rig .I'm not looking to toot my own horn but to show that my targets are legit you can go to the Appalachian Leadhead forum on Facebook and you will see that I won every card for the last 5 matches with the exception of one that I double loaded.

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Nice setup - I do something similar with my setup as far as adding weight - I actually use a weight plate.

I have the exact same Prophets you have - .22 and .25 Prophet V1s with LR barrels. It would be great if you could shoot some Challenge cards with them and share results.

The Prophet is probably my favorite overall air rifle. I’ve posted some really good results with them here.


Leaderboard Update - May 10, 2024

Below are our leaderboards, with submissions through and including May 10th (today).

There were some great scores submitted and some great discussion on our AGN thread this month.

We also had scores submitted from a number of new shooters – great to see more folks taking up the Challenge!

Notables since last Update:

Sharp Pog shot a 200-17X 30-Challenge with his AGT Vulcan 3 .22

EPG shot a 200-13X 30-Challenge with his new-to-him Taipan Veteran 2 .22

mreynolds shot a 199-15X 40-Challenge with his Thomas .177 (yes, that’s a 199 at 40 yards with a .177 !!)

mreynolds with his USFT and EPG with his Dreamline Classic submitted 199s

JimD, Headshots, EPG and TommyB submitted 197s

RCope is on the board twice with his AA S510 – because I thought his experiment with low velocity is very relevant.

New shooters Jetdro, Skeeekerz, Pfddi and Headshots are all on the Leaderboard – with missing data (i.e. Headshots – how many Xs on the 197 target?)

Weather is getting nice – keep throwing that lead downrange. I’m gonna start shooting more 40 yard cards as the winter wind is gone…

AGN 30-C Leaderboard.jpeg

AGN 30-M Leaderboard.jpeg

AGN 40-C Leaderboard.jpeg

AGN 40-M Leaderboard.jpeg

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I will shoot some cards with them . I need to order some pellets for the 25 . I was playing with the 22 today and It wasnt shooting very well . I was trying different speeds and pellets but couldnt get it to shoot like I now it can . I gave up for awhile the went back out and took the barrel off and scrubbed it . As it was getting dark I put 5 shots through the same round hole at 34 yards so now I dont have to go to sleep frustrated LOL. I have a 22 LR barrel ,a version 3 22 barrel and a 25 cal version 2 barrel In my opinion there is nothing to not like about the Prophet 1
I see that you {EPG} have been doing very well with your FX . I started out with a crown Mk11 I wanted to love it but I cant get past the POI shifts . I still have it. I am not a fan of barrel liners . I plan to get a real barrel machined to fit it . That project has been on the back burner

My Crown Mk2 is amazing at 40 yards - so consistent in the vertical. Not my favorite by far, but it’s accurate. For FX I much prefer my Dreamlines - much smoother.

The two Prophets are my usual favorites. I’ve got .177, .22 LR, .25LR and .30 barrels. I recently had the .22 tuned where it was outperforming the Crown, but had to put on the .30 and .25 barrels for a recent competition.

I live in the northeast, so all these compressed air guns PoI shift in my opinion. I shot 3 40-Masters cards with the Crown two nights ago: 192-10X, 193-8X and 188-10X.

The 188 card would have been 195+ - every shot was good on the horizontal. But my PoI started dropping because the sun went down and the temperature outside dropped about 15 degrees. I tried to adjust on the fly, but you know if your vertical is inconsistent, you are toast on a precision target like ours.

Was your Crown shifting in the vertical, the horizontal, or both?
My Crown Mk2 is amazing at 40 yards - so consistent in the vertical. Not my favorite by far, but it’s accurate. For FX I much prefer my Dreamlines - much smoother.

The two Prophets are my usual favorites. I’ve got .177, .22 LR, .25LR and .30 barrels. I recently had the .22 tuned where it was outperforming the Crown, but had to put on the .30 and .25 barrels for a recent competition.

I live in the northeast, so all these compressed air guns PoI shift in my opinion. I shot 3 40-Masters cards with the Crown two nights ago: 192-10X, 193-8X and 188-10X.

The 188 card would have been 195+ - every shot was good on the horizontal. But my PoI started dropping because the sun went down and the temperature outside dropped about 15 degrees. I tried to adjust on the fly, but you know if your vertical is inconsistent, you are toast on a precision target like ours.

Was your Crown shifting in the vertical, the horizontal, or both?

It is a 16x . The JTS 22.07gr pellets are going 800 fps.
I had to edit because I counted one I crossed out .

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A nice day with light, variable wind. Continued my simple experiment with lower fps for my AA S510 and the JTS 10.4 .177. Warmed up and sighted in at 738 avg and shot a great card (for me). Then clicked up the power one step to 918fps (just a simple dial on this rifle), re-sighted, and shot another card...not so great. So for this rifle and this pellet, I know what I need to do :).
A nice day with light, variable wind. Continued my simple experiment with lower fps for my AA S510 and the JTS 10.4 .177. Warmed up and sighted in at 738 avg and shot a great card (for me). Then clicked up the power one step to 918fps (just a simple dial on this rifle), re-sighted, and shot another card...not so great. So for this rifle and this pellet, I know what I need to do :).
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Great card! I always loved the look of Air Arms S510, but have not owned Air Arms for some reason.

Can you test 845-855 and 885-895 fps by adjusting hs preload? I will check my data, but I believe my experience is similar with .177 10.x grain pellets - that above 900 fps, accuracy starts to suffer.
Shot my HW100 .22 Carbine today. Shot six cards at 30 yards and threw one in the trash.

Overall, very solid shooting with the 30Y Challenge card with a slight wind @ 1-3 mph, and still at times. Although it was slight, I still missed some wind calls or had a rare bad pellet possibly. I did get some unexpected rare fliers, but it was probably the wind. Note to self: Inspect the pellets a bit more carefully when I am loading either SST or the magazine. I used both today; SST and magazine.

183-5X (throw away)



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A nice day with light, variable wind. Continued my simple experiment with lower fps for my AA S510 and the JTS 10.4 .177. Warmed up and sighted in at 738 avg and shot a great card (for me). Then clicked up the power one step to 918fps (just a simple dial on this rifle), re-sighted, and shot another card...not so great. So for this rifle and this pellet, I know what I need to do :).
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That's a great card Rick.

Motorhead ( Scott ) once told me when he was tuning my Daystate Regal XL .22 --- "Faster isn't always better." I was fairly new to Airguns at the time, and was drinking all the Kool-Aid about higher velocity and the relative correlation to improving accuracy. Sometimes this is true, but not always.

The HW100 .22 is a perfect example. I now have a tune ( thanks to EPG ) of 810 FPS with the 15.89 Atomic pellet and around 750 FPS with the 18.1G. Very accurate right now for these challenges, especially with the 15.89 JSB Atomic.

I'll never go back to 850 FPS with the 18.1g, nor over 900 FPS with the 15.89.
Shot my HW100 .22 Carbine today. Shot six cards at 30 yards and threw one in the trash.

Overall, very solid shooting with the 30Y Challenge card with a slight wind @ 1-3 mph, and still at times. Although it was slight, I still missed some wind calls or had a rare bad pellet possibly. I did get some unexpected rare fliers, but it was probably the wind. Note to self: Inspect the pellets a bit more carefully when I am loading either SST or the magazine. I used both today; SST and magazine.

183-5X (throw away)

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Awesome string of mid-190s cards with that HW Tommy. All the more impressive when I see that you are using a 16x scope to shoot those cards!