30-Yard Challenge

Here’s some more with a Neil Clague Moderator. Three different pellets and weights. The H&N’s I had to double up two pcs. Of office weight paper.
igolf, I myself am not really convinced on this TUNER idea for Airguns? I was just playing around last night, so I thought why not!

Based on my RF experience, I can say for sure that tuners work. The ones I used were crude by today's standards, and harder to consistently adjust, but yes, they work. The question is your expectation. It offers fine tuning, but frankly, I found it hard to manage, because the sweet spot would change with any other variable. A different lot of the same ammo requires different tuning. It seems, air rifle use should be less tedious, as there are no ammo variables except the specific die, no primer, powder, case, etc. But if you change the velocity, even with the same pellet, you might expect a different tuner adjustment.
I have a Gene Beggs style tuner, but the adjustments are super fine so I thought I would make a crude style with course adjustments to simplify and save time before fully committing to using one. Quite honestly I don’t feel my guns or my shooting abilities can justify the time required to see a marked improvement? If I’m truly objective. (For airguns anyway) 

But this is fun with no pressure, more of a learning competition than anything for me, which is always a good thing! 
What I shoot is definitely better than I am a shooter. I think with me a lot has to do with my mind, technique, learning to relax, and not tense up, or anticipate a jump. Its a lot harder at the range with live fire, but even at home I see myself tensing up. Last night I had two cards up, the left was to practice, zero, and incase the shot did not feel right I would just shoot the left card, the right was to score. Yes, of course I was more relaxed on the left side. I think I scored my best score on the practice card! Go figure.


My card I was trying to get a better score with...


And my card I was practicing with just left of the scoring card. 


Well Igolf, after seeing your scores especially with the new raw I had to put my big boy pants on. It's GAME On! Came home with my work clothes still on, hung up the targets. Pull out my OLD Fx mark2 impact .22 juice it up. It's a little noisy outside, the neighbors having a pool party so I had to put the Emperor on in place of the shogun and rezero. After a couple of shots at the other target (just left of the card im working on). I thought it maybe good to go, only to shoot two 9s in the first box. Ugh, went back to the practice targets to recheck zero. Hmm it is shooting where it is supose to... maybe I'm too tense. 😆 ya I'm good just don't mess up the rest of card, that's it! Yeah, I can do that! I'm a big boy! As I'm popping each target I getting excited. A couple targets scared me at 4 and 6 with their POI. 🥴 don't freak out stay calm I kept saying to myself. I'm doing pretty dang good 👍 oh... I'm out. OUT!, No pellets! I have to open another tin!!! I'm good. No biggie. Uh... wait I had a tin of 18.13 JSB and now I'm shooting a tin of fx 18.1s uh... same right? I shoot a couple in the target to the left. It seems to shoot a little bit off maybe? Rezero, take a couple more practice shots. Ok so doing number 9 and ... oh no!! UH what happened? A 9 and a 9?? What? There's no way! Not possible that I hit 20s in all the other boxes except number one, right?? So I just shot 10, 11, and 12 hit what appears to be bulls and just hoped that I did better than yesterday...


Marked the easy 10s and then concentrated on the ones that did not look so good. 4 and 6


They look pretty good but I put a pellet in each and let them center at the neck of the pellet..


1 and 9 targets are out both at 18. Well, I guess apparently I did it too! I did 200! w/17 Xs


Not as nice as your 200, but it is a 200 right? With a older non RAW even ! 



I have to add, boy I have not had this much fun in a long while! Thank you guys! 
Thanks for all of the kudos and encouragement guys. It was really astounding shooting my new RAW and seeing its potential right out of the box with only less than 60 pellets down the pipe so far too. I've never owned or shot an air rifle where the pellet lands as consistently where the cross hairs are aimed. It was a surreal experience but now the pressure is really on because if I miss I can't blame the rifle any more. Afterwards I had a few really mangled pellets set aside so I decided to shoot them into a practice target and the darn things shot great too. This truly is a world class rifle that I have been searching for over the last few years and I can finally say the search is over.

Congrats on the 2nd 200 posted here Allen. I had to laugh as your comments sounds like you were actually in my head. Those same thoughts go through mine all the time. Was it the wind, was it me or was it a bad pellet I can count as a flier or perhaps a fouled barrel? There's always something to blame, right? Maybe I should hold off this way or that way on the next shot. Nope, that didn't work...
Help me out guy’s, for X ring scoring I have been completely covering the dot to score a X, iIs this correct?


I can see why you may have been confused, because we originally were going to have an X scored as ‘completely covering the dot.’ However, we decided to make it a bit easier and now you just have to ‘touch’ the dot to score an X.

So, re-score your targets and any hole that touches the dot counts as an X. ( see Tom’s original post at the top of the thread for the rules )
