30-Yard Challenge

My bad.

I rescored the card. I made two mistakes, denoted by 'chg' for change. 192-11X

Check out bull pairings for #10, 11. I double checked # 12 also.

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that question just occurred to me as i was looking at the target , was not thinking about your scoring , just my way of doing it and weather i was right or wrong . Maybe someone that has competition scoring experience will chime in ?

I have never been in an air rifle match where their was a judge . I have been in PB matches and a nick in the outside of a line is the lower score , over 1/2 of the hole has to be inside the line to count . At least the ones i have shot bench rest .22 LR
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that question just occurred to me as i was looking at the target , was not thinking about your scoring , just my way of doing it and weather i was right or wrong . Maybe someone that has competition scoring experience will chime in ?

I have never been in an air rifle match where their was a judge . I have been in PB matches and a nick in the outside of a line is the lower score , over 1/2 of the hole has to be inside the line to count . At least the ones i have shot bench rest .22 LR

I’ll let Ed chime in, as I am not 100% sure of your exact question. I know that in N50 card scoring if the impartial scorer sees any ‘white’ between the scoring plug and the black ring line, it goes to the lower ring scoring. I.e., hole didn’t touch ring line.
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Hi TommyB and Beerthief,

Scoring rules from beginning of this Challenge still apply…

Use .22 scoring plug. If edge of plug touches black ring line - you score that shot to the higher ring.

@beerthief - the black dot in the middle is the “X”. The smallest ring is the 10-ring. Inside the 10-ring is gray on this target. If your shot just touches the 10-ring, it scores as 10.

I’ll let Ed chime in, as I am not 100% sure of your exact question. I know that in N50 card scoring if the impartial scorer sees any ‘white’ between the scoring plug and the black ring line, it goes to the lower ring scoring. I.e., hole didn’t touch ring line.
oh ok , the ones i have shot in, you had to fully break the line , or in two times (same judge ) the hole had to be 1/2 inside the line .
Hi TommyB and Beerthief,

Scoring rules from beginning of this Challenge still apply…

Use .22 scoring plug. If edge of plug touches black ring line - you score that shot to the higher ring.

@beerthief - the black dot in the middle is the “X”. The smallest ring is the 10-ring. Inside the 10-ring is gray on this target. If your shot just touches the 10-ring, it scores as 10.

ok thank you , i will score your way .
Heading to warmer weather soon. Despite the freezing wind here, I got out to shoot a few cards and play with tunes…

These were two good cards from last couple days. 30-Masters. Both with the PowerPup.

The 195 was with the 500mm barrel. The 198 was with a “new” 600mm barrel.

I just bought 3 600mm Dreamline barrels (.22, .25 and .30) for a great deal on AGN Classifieds.

Picture shows how the barrels arrived from UPS. UPS guy hands me the tube and starts walking away. I say “hey, this tube is badly damaged “. He says “yeah, looks like it got caught in conveyor belt”. He put in a note that it was damaged.

Amazingly, the seller did such a good job wrapping the barrels together in both many sheets of paper and bubble wrap that even UPS couldn’t damage them!

I think the 600mm .22 may be better than my 500mm .22 is. The AGN barrels are all the older kind with the steel sleeve - not the new “superlight” FX barrel - which is just basically a liner with plastic spacers inside a shroud.

I made no changes other than swapping 500 for 600mm. Pellet speed jumped from 885fps to 915-920fps. But 198 with significant wind is making me happy with my used barrel purchase. PowerPup also looks menacing with the 600mm lol.




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Ironically, I asked the manager at my local UPS store, if marking my double boxed ( with bubble wrap ) package “fragile” would make any difference as to how it gets handled. He told me “probably not.” I’m glad I always tightly wrap the action and barrel in ample bobble wrap, especially after seeing this.

Great cards with those new Dreamline barrels. Q. Are they smooth twist barrels?
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Hi Tommy,

The original FX smooth twist were solid steel barrels with only rifling at the tip.

The next generation used liners, but put the liners in a steel tube. The liners has black o-rings on them to center them in the tube. You can now replace the o-Rings with carbon sleeves to keep them centered.

The newest - 3rd generation - system still uses the same liners, but does away with the steel tube. Its just the bare liner inside the shroud. The liner is centered in the shroud by plastic disc spacers that slide onto the liner. This is called the superlight barrel system - used in all new Dreamlines and Crowns.
Dang, just looked again at the 198 30-Masters that I shot in the wind yesterday … the last 18 were 10’s - 1st two shots were the 9’s…

I adjusted 3 clicks for wind after Target pair #1. Didn’t think the “new” 600mm .22 barrel would be so consistent so soon.

Can’t wait to try the .25 and .30 barrels in the PowerPup - its such a nice gun to shoot.
Hi Tommy,

The original FX smooth twist were solid steel barrels with only rifling at the tip.

The next generation used liners, but put the liners in a steel tube. The liners has black o-rings on them to center them in the tube. You can now replace the o-Rings with carbon sleeves to keep them centered.

The newest - 3rd generation - system still uses the same liners, but does away with the steel tube. Its just the bare liner inside the shroud. The liner is centered in the shroud by plastic disc spacers that slide onto the liner. This is called the superlight barrel system - used in all new Dreamlines and Crowns.

Thanks for the chronology on the FX barrels. My Royale 400 .22 has the smooth twist solid steel barrel. I can honestly say that the POI shifts are not noticeable to me, each time I shoot it. If I zero the gun at 25 or 30 yards, wait a week or two, I can depend on no ( or very negligible) POI shift. That said, many are achieving great accuracy with the FX liners as well. Nice to have choices.
Here is my initial entry for the 2024 30yd Masters Class.

Returned home from a doctor appointment on the first sunny day we had experienced for several weeks with only enough daylight time remaining to complete one target. Conditions were excellent for me with a left to right variable calm to four mph breeze. I concentrated taking every shot at the same wind speed based upon the wind flags and was successful except for the one that bit me. Breeze stopped and the pellet hit exactly where I was holding off.

Hi Guys,
I am slowly improving on the 30 yd Masters Card, but not yet there. This 198-14 was shot today with my .22 in about 5-6 mph of wind. Luckily the wind was mostly coming out of the East straight at me. I also shot a 40 yd card, but the little shifts in the wind caused that one to come in under my best to date.
30yd Masters NW 380 2-5-24.jpg
Hi Guys,
I am slowly improving on the 30 yd Masters Card, but not yet there. This 198-14 was shot today with my .22 in about 5-6 mph of wind. Luckily the wind was mostly coming out of the East straight at me. I also shot a 40 yd card, but the little shifts in the wind caused that one to come in under my best to date.
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Dang, ya tied my Power Pup 30-Masters score Greg.

I’m gonna have to cut vacation short, hurry home and get more lead downrange, lol.

Great shooting!
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Here is my initial entry for the 2024 30yd Masters Class.

Returned home from a doctor appointment on the first sunny day we had experienced for several weeks with only enough daylight time remaining to complete one target. Conditions were excellent for me with a left to right variable calm to four mph breeze. I concentrated taking every shot at the same wind speed based upon the wind flags and was successful except for the one that bit me. Breeze stopped and the pellet hit exactly where I was holding off.

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Remarkable almost perfect 200! What I wouldn’t give to have one of these Marvin. Excellent wind reading.

Got a new SPA made barrel for my P35-25 yesterday and shot it for the first time today. It was windy (15mph and higher) so it's hard to say whether it is better than the original one. I bought it in April of last year and would not have if I had added the power plenum and retuned it first. Those changes raised my score at least 22 points. Putting on a target scope got me up to the 192 I shot with the old barrel. I only shot a few targets knowing the new barrel was on it's way. Now I have to see which pellet it likes best and which barrel I like best. But more targets will be shot. I use the 30 yard challenge target for testing but I shoot five shot groups on it initially. I'm pretty sure the old barrel will shoot a 195 or better. But maybe the new one is better. I also would prefer than it like H&N Baracudas better than the pricier JSBs or slightly more reasonable FXs the original barrel likes. Maybe tomorrow I will know. It would be fantastic if it will shoot my cast pellets decently. Testing is fun too.
Well I pellet tested yesterday and shot my first target with the new barrel today. 190 with 8X so not quite as good as my best with the old barrel. But I was messing with the scope on the first 6 targets (blocks 1-3) and didn't trust my zero completely until several blocks after that (so I was holding off a little). I think from the second half of the target this is probably a little better than the original barrel. It's only had less than a tin of pellets through it. All I did before installing it was clean it and put O-rings on it. Haven't cleaned up the crown like I've done on my others. Even if it's a tie this barrel like H&N Baracudas which matches my other two P35s. They are 3 grains lighter so the velocity goes up about 35 fps. I don't have enough hammer spring to set the reg higher for the 34 grain the old barrel prefers. The regulator in this gun really doesn't like the hammer spring to be below the point of maximum velocity. When it is the first shot velocity is low. I shot a swinging target with the first shot before shooting the target and that shot's velocity was 11 fps below the average. ES with that shot was 15.6 and without it was 4.2 fps over 24 shots. Std deviations were 3.04 and 1.34. So the reg works fine it just wants a bit more hammer spring than I can give it for this regulator setting. It kind of bugs me but 11 fps low isn't really a huge deal nor is wasting a shot before starting the target.

Not sure my retune turned this into a 200 shooter but 190 on it's first target is encouraging and a long way from where it was originally.

P35-25 first target with new barrel.jpg
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I am submitting the attached 194 11X for the leader board. P35-25, Vector Sentenel 8-32 set at 32X, JSB MKII 33.95grain at 800 fps.

Well, I picked a barrel for my P35-25, the old one. I shot a 191 with the new barrel after my post Thursday but I decided I just didn't want the first shot to be low in velocity so on Friday, after I did a bunch of work on the bed I'm making for my oldest grandson, I moved the regulator down about 1/12th of a turn and did a little polishing of the crown on the new barrel. I shot it today and it gave me a 182 and a 186. There was very little wind. I think it just didn't like the retune. I used up all my Baracudas in sighting it in and shooting these targets. So this afternoon, I put the old barrel back on, sighted it in roughly and then waited for the really low wind around 4pm. I shot JSB 33.95 MKIIs. The result was the attached 194 11X. The first shot was the lowest of the 26 I shot (a couple to sight in) but only by 1.5 fps. ES was 9.1 and std deviation 2.3 fps. Averages a little over 48 fpe. I can get about 40 shots on a fill but have to fill all the way to 250bar. But even if I'm a little lower I have enough to check the zero and shoot a target.

I had a scare with the old barrel, however. Initially it was only shooting the JSBs at about 725 fps. That made no sense. So I reset the barrel being more careful about getting it in the right position. Velocity jumped back up around 800. I had the barrel port rotated a bit. Wasn't shooting very well either.

Next step is to decide if FX 34s shoot like JSB MKIIs. That would save a few $s but if it has to be JSBs I can live with that. Once I make the final pellet selection I'll need to stock up and see if I can raise this some.

P35-25 194 11X.jpg
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Great shooting with the .25 cal Jim!

I have a few 2024 leaderboard submissions from today. I shot my RTI Prophets - they are currently set up as a .177 and a .22.

It was nice temp for February here - 50F - but it was very breezy most all day - so I’m very happy with these cards. Especially since I had not shot either Prophet in weeks.

30-Challenge: 193 8X with .177 Prophet
30-Challenge: 197 15X with .22 Prophet
30-Masters: 199 17X with .22 Prophet

Wish I could swap my one sighter on the 199 Masters card for the “9” - the sighter was at least a 10, lol.




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