Cole, the key to obtaining valuable data indoors is to use a piston gun and sort through the worst pellets you can find. It’s settled science.
Well, Michael to be honest, it is really about using the correct tool for the measurement you need to make. You have not performed the test in such a way that you will ever measure the delta, and clearly you have no desire to actually do that.
Sarcasm is noted. Maybe try a bit of real science if you want to prove your point, instead. It is pretty ironic when someone like me, who couldn't build a barrel on his best day, can measure something with a spring rifle, that someone like you, who builds some of the best barrels in the business, can't measure with one of his own rifles. Maybe the problem here isn't the rifle? Maybe it is simply ego and denial?
You have an indoor range and the means to prove your point. Why not do that? Maybe it is because you have ALREADY reported that you have measured an improvement with pellet rolling? Your words... not mine...
Mike shows an incredible fifty yard group of fifty shots, Its a group using a pellet model many long range shooters avoid because the have not been able to get good accuracy.
You imply he is not as adept as you in measuring group sizes because he uses a different method? Look, fifty consecutive shots at fifty yards pertty much says it all since that is the distance he plans to shoot that gun he built in competition. The group tells a benchrest shooter all thats needed with respect to both accuracy and precision, since its well-centered on the bull, and covers the inner scoring ring needed for good scores.
Strangely, you compare your in-ability to “build a barrel” to his as just comparison to the apparent ability to measure group sizes.
Well, its hard to decipher your meanings. See, Mike is one of a few individuals in this country that builds airguns, just as Fred Axelson is one of a few in his own country. But Fred also MAKES his own barrels, while Mike does not. Due to economies of scale its mostly only airgun builders doing mass-production that make barrels, and I know of only on e exception … Dennis Quackenbush, who did make some on a few rifles he produced.
You said “build barrels”, which. I took to mean make or produce barrels, but now it seems you may mean simply preparing a barrel to fit a certain gun for its intended use, a task Mike does well, since its a principle reason his guns shoot as well as they do.
I too have lots of experience in preparing and fitting airgun barrels, and have built a few airguns from scratch as well (using barrels from many sources that I prepped and fit as needed). And I have measured many fired groups using many methods of evaluation. And I realize measurement methods change to suit the needs.
This is the Benchrest Forum. To many, simply stating a great target or match score is plenty enough to demonstrate accuracy. But Cole, I doubt you shoot in matches.