381 Yards Offhand ?

Such luck is not worthy of my comment, BUT since it was you Joe asking I will make this comment. The camera looks to have, maybe, a 600mm telephoto lens that equates to what, 6 power and do wonder if one could see such a hole at 381 yards, just saying. Not to mention off hand which in itself equates to pure luck at best. The stars must have been aligned!

It is a little suspicious to be sure. At his scope magnification I'm not sure how he noticed that he nicked the ball from that far away. I can't even tell for sure that the ball is cracked after he drives up to it. On the other hand, if you were going to fake it I think you'd walk up to a demolished golf ball. Take enough shots and even with 244 MOA of holdover eventual success is practically guaranteed for anyone.

Bottom line:
Do I believe him? No.
Do I care? No. 
I started of by looking at the chair gun data he had in there. chair gun gives the Bc of those pellets as .031 and his data says .034 not sure if he calculated it on his own. At that at that range I don't know if 1.3 -1.9 ft-lbs of energy could crack the golf ball like that. If you watch the barrel as he is shooting you can notice the small movement of it, which would translate into large movement at that range. 

I think personally I would have to throw a flag on that play. unless he can do it in one uncut video showing him placing the golf ball and then shooting it. Notice he never shows the initial condition on the golf ball.


I ordered some of the golf balls and I’m going to shoot them in the next time zone with my Umarex Hammer.

Stay tuned.....

I think it would take me a tin off the bench if I sat on a horse shoe, with a leprechaun on my shoulder and a buckeye in my pocket.

What if we sweetened the pot with a rabbit's foot and some holy water? And a free ice cold beer if you hit it? 🍺 Score!!!


I ordered some of the golf balls and I’m going to shoot them in the next time zone with my Umarex Hammer.

Stay tuned.....

I see your Hammer and I raise ya my Slingshot @ 500 yards!

you guys are hilarious haha lol 😂 

I will take the Holy water and skip the rabbits foot haha. 
The position of the sun when he stops the video the first time is damn near noontime. When he takes his last 3 shots some 4 - 5 hours have passed, you shoot that long at anything you could get lucky and hit it once.

Also shooting directly into the sun those last 3 shots, no way you're seeing nick in golf ball.

Hitting the farm equipment itself at that distance offhand with a $300 gun is a feat in itself though, not need for the bs...